Delaware Liberal

Who Will Fill Ensign’s Rhinestone-Studded Boots?

By now, the sad fate that has befallen U. S. Senator John Ensign has been well-chronicled.

The latest indignity recently occurred as Ensign took his leave of the ‘Christian’ compound that houses “The Family” on C Street in Washington. A place where fundamentalist congresscritters can sow their wild oats away from their families while preaching family values. Here’s a brief description of this shadow organization and two of its roomies:

…(Coburn and Ensign) are members of a secretive and publicity-shy religious organization founded in 1935 that aims, broadly speaking, to forge ties with decision-makers around the world in order to put Christian teachings at the center of public policy.

Which raises the profound question, who will be Tom Coburn’s next bunkmate?

Firedoglake’s Marcy Wheeler comes up with the ideal solution–a reality show that even I would watch:

There’s only one way to replace Ensign. To invite six avowed Christian Freshman Congressmen to participate in a reality show–a test, week by week, of who can be a bigger moral hypocrite. Each week, we’ll vote off one participant (who, thereafter, will have to pay market rates for a place in DC).

I personally just can’t wait for the Holy Water Hot Tub episode. Or the Crucifix Crucible. Or (one can only hope) the Gomorrah Gauntlet. Wonder if Paula Parkinson has a daughter willing to participate…and, of course, there’s always that special guest appearance from Carrie Prejean.  Her episode? “The Saline Solution to Our Great Christian Nation’s Moral Decline”.

Wheeler has asked for names for the series. My fave among the entries so far: Schtupaking With the Starz”.

But I betcha that you can do better.

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