Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on November 17, 2009


Warning: Do not be eating or drinking when you read the following, from John Ziegler’s review of Sarah Palin’s new high school slam book:

“For many reasons, this is by far the best book and greatest literary achievement by a political figure in my lifetime.”

“I strongly believe that if every Republican primary voter reads this book, Sarah Palin will win the 2012 nomination in a landslide, whether she wants it or not.

And this deserves a re-airing…..

Mike Castle: “I am going to cockblock Delaware.”

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Better Know a District – Delaware’s Mike Castle
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor U.S. Speedskating


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (11)

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  1. Keith Olbermann last night reported on the free health care clinic held in New Orleans. One of his producers wrote an essay about what he saw and Keith read it on the air. It was very moving.

  2. nemski says:

    Remember that Joe Biden will be appearing on The Daily Show tonight.

  3. Brooke says:

    Gotta give it to Joe for balls. I’d be scared of talking to these guys, lol.

  4. lizard says:

    BOSTON (FOX25, myfoxboston) – FOX25 has learned that Congressman Barney Frank was present during a marijuana arrest at James Ready’s home in Ogunquit, Maine. Ready is well-known for his relationship with Congressman Frank. According to a police report, police charged Ready with marijuana possession, cultivation and use of drug paraphernalia in August of 2007. Ready admitted to civil possession and paid a fine. The remaining charges were dismissed in 2008. Sources tell FOX25 that when Frank was questioned he told police that he did not live in the house and that he only smoked cigars.

    sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    This kid has the spirit. He won’t say the Pledge of Allegiance since the country discriminates against gay people:

    “I’ve always tried to analyze things because I want to be lawyer,” Will said. “I really don’t feel that there’s currently liberty and justice for all.”

    After asking his parents whether it was against the law not to stand for the pledge, Will decided to do something. On Monday, Oct. 5, when the other kids in his class stood up to recite the pledge of allegiance, he remained sitting down. The class had a substitute teacher that week, a retired educator from the district, who knew Will’s mother and grandmother. Though the substitute tried to make him stand up, he respectfully refused. He did it again the next day, and the next day.

  6. pandora says:

    No link, no read, no comment, lizard.

  7. lizard says:

    White House Officials: Clinton Embarassing Us

    INN ^ | Nov/18/09 | Reported

    (IsraelNN.com) White House officials told the New Republic magazine this week that the Obama administration has been embarrassed at least twice by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, for revealing in public information and policies that the State Department was supposed to keep private between Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and the U.S.

    According to the sources, Clinton was not supposed to reveal publicly the U.S. demand that Israel institute a total building freeze in Judea and Samaria, fearing that it would lead to a confrontation with Israel – which it did, after U.S. President Barack Obama publicly backed Clinton. The second instance was the famous statement by Clinton in a joint press conference with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on October 31, when Clinton said that Netanyahu had undertaken “unprecedented concessions,” a comment that angered the PA leadership. According to the sources, Clinton has been getting bad advice from her advisers.

  8. jason330 says:

    Wow. Castle does a great job in that clip. If you didn’t know anything about his voting record and all you knew about Castle was from the clip, you’d have to conclude that his a decent guy and not the scumbag that he is in real life.

  9. xstryker says:

    LOL, The New Republic. What did the Daily Mail say? Or the NY Post? Or the Moonie Times? Or the National Enquirer? Please do go on telling us what professional liars have to say. Got any insight from Bill Kristol, Dick Morris, or Karl Rove? What does NewsMax say? Or TMZ?

  10. xstryker says:

    “Republican fundraising crew gives donor credit card data to felons.”

    Isn’t this statement redundant?