Delaware Liberal

Catholic Church Purging Its Ranks of Infidels

Beginning, of course, with  U. S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island.

It seems Infidel Kennedy supports abortion rights. A moral institution like the Catholic Church simply cannot countenance such disagreement with the Infallible Ex-Nazi Pope. Maybe the Church will next bar those using contraception. Which will leave the pedophile priests, who are still welcome in the Church, as the only people ‘getting any’:

From the Associated Press story:

Kennedy could appeal the decision to officials in the Vatican, but the hierarchy of the Catholic church is unlikely to overturn a bishop, said Michael Sean Winters, a church observer and author of “Left At the Altar: How Democrats Lost The Catholics And How Catholics Can Save The Democrats.”

“It’s really bad theology,” said Winters, who opposes abortion. “You’re turning the altar rail into a battle field, a political battlefield no less, and it does a disservice to the Eucharist.”

The dispute between the two men began in October when Kennedy in an interview on criticized the nation’s Catholic bishops for threatening to oppose a massive expansion of the nation’s health care system unless it included tighter restrictions on federally funded abortion.

Here’s what Man On Boy of God Bishop Thomas Tobin had to say to Kennedy:

“Sorry, you can’t chalk it up to an ‘imperfect humanity.’ Your position is unacceptable to the Church and scandalous to many of our members. It absolutely diminishes your Communion with the Church,”

Priests forcing altar boys into having sex=OK by the Church.

A public official publicly supporting abortion rights=Scandalous.

Good to know the Church never (pardon the expression) deviates from its dogma.

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