Tea Party: The Movie

Filed in National by on November 22, 2009

There is a new documentary coming out – it’s called Tea Party: The Documentary Film. Apparently it’s serious and not a parody (though it’s difficult to tell). Here’s the trailer:

Seriously guys – the second American revolution? Two protests in Washington, D.C. does not a revolution make, even if you’ve got your own TV news channel.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. stealth progressive says:

    Looks like a swiftboat production. I sure am glad that we tax-payers threw all that money at Wall St. so these guys’ portfolios would recover in time for them to pay for this crap.

  2. A. price says:

    damnit. i watched that before i even had any coffee.
    that movie almost makes them not look like a radical right wing movement that constantly makes violent innuendo. Who wants to bet they hired the black guy? How many “we came unarmed THIS TIME” signs will we see? or posters equating themselves to holocaust victims? none? (you betcha)
    Here is what i think should happen. Obama calls a press conference and publicly fires his “socialism csar” (this person will be portrayed by an actor…. the teabags will just assume that he actually had a socialism czar since he has sooooo many) He will declare the second revolution over and the teabag movement victorious.
    THEN, he will award Glenn Beck and M-bach the medal of freedom and make them Co-Secretaries of Patriotism. The teabags, feeling victorious will go party, probably in a big pretty open space created by a government funded project. WHile they are teabaggin’ it up, we can concentrate on fixing the country.

  3. pandora says:

    Oh my. The narrator sounds like he’s promoting a disaster movie. (Armageddon?) Funny, when I was listening to the clip my 15 year old son came out of his teenage daze and asked what I was watching. Guess we found their targeted audience’s mentality.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Wow. We should have a screening of the movie and scream “you lie” after every line.

  5. Geezer says:

    This time, it’s the revolution of the paunchy. I notice they all have plenty of freedom to eat.

  6. wikwox says:

    Hard not to view the trailer and the group as a joke. A bad, unfunny, dumb joke, but none the less a joke.