Delaware Liberal

Glenn Beck’s 100 Year Plan

Glenn Beck is crazy like a Fox:

– I have begun meeting with some of the best minds in the country that believe in limited government, maximum freedom and the values of our Founders. I am developing a 100 year plan. I know that the bipartisan corruption in Washington that has brought us to this brink and it will not be defeated easily. It will require unconventional thinking and a radical plan to restore our nation to the maximum freedoms we were supposed to have been protecting, using only the battlefield of ideas.

– All of the above will culminate in The Plan, a book that will provide specific policies, principles and, most importantly, action steps that each of us can take to play a role in this Refounding.

– On August 28, 2010, I ask you, your family and neighbors to join me at the feet of Abraham Lincoln on the National Mall for the unveiling of The Plan and the birthday of a new national movement to restore our great country.

He’s going to promote a plan that none of his followers will be alive to see. That’s brilliant!

[BTW – Did you notice the date? It’s on the anniversary of MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech.]

No More Mister Nice Blog explains exactly what Beck is up to:

So now we see what Glenn Beck really is: He’s basically a televangelist. A huckster. A late-night pitchman selling seminars and book/DVD/audio combo packages that will allegedly help you get rich through flipping real estate. A human-potential-movement cult leader who promises life breakthroughs in exchange for participation in costly “religious” or “therapy” programs.

He wants you to attend one (or, surely, many) of his “conventions.” Will they be free? I strongly doubt it — oh, maybe the first taste will be free, but after that, I’d guess no. And he wants you to buy the next book (and, surely several after that). And there’s a “100 year plan” in the works — you can’t ever get off the mailing list because the good work he’s involving you in is never done!

Exactly! Beck is a scam artist, a snake oil salesman, collecting money from the confused and vulnerable. How far can he go before his followers become discontented? If history is any guide this can go on for years. I guess that means Beck is set for life!

Steve Benen points out that Beck has released a lot of products in the last year:

For those keeping score at home, Beck released a book in June, and then another in September, with plans for yet another in August. That’s three books in 14 months. That doesn’t include the Christmas book released last year, which will get an update with a photo companion book this year. It also doesn’t include the “An Inconvenient Book” that was published in May, or “America’s March to Socialism,” an audio book released around the same time.

I wonder how many books and conventions (plus coffee mugs, t-shirts, etc.) a 100-year plan will need? I’m betting a whole lot.

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