Delaware Liberal

Wednesday Open Thread

Well, it’s the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and some of us are still at work. It’s open thread time – what are you doing for Thanksgiving? Are you traveling?

Doug Hoffman (NY-23) was foiled by ACORN once again. He re-conceded the House race (or is that un-un-conceded?):

The Conservative Party candidate conceded a race in upstate New York for a U.S. House of Representatives seat for the second time Tuesday, saying he doesn’t have enough votes.

How does it feel to lose twice?

I’ll bet you’re also surprised to learn that Republicans are hypocrites. No, really…

[Carly] Fiorina’s in good company. Sarah Palin endorsed the bailout; now she doesn’t like it anymore. Mitt Romney endorsed the bailout; now he’s railing against it. Glenn Beck not only endorsed the bailout, he said at the time that it ought to be bigger. Now he’s convinced it’s evil.

I realize that when it comes to right-wing populism, last year’s financial industry bailout holds a unique place in the panoply of conservative complaints. But these far-right characters can only run so far from their records of a year ago.

They have a few choices. They can a) hold their ground and defend the bailout; b) explain why they were mistaken; or c) admit that they’re shamelessly pandering, hoping to score a few cheap points with the Teabagging crowd by telling them what they want to hear.

Darn that ACORN! I got an acorn squash in my vegetable CSA. Coincidence? I think not!

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