Delaware Liberal

“Too Much Work”

I really am weary of Sarah Palin, and am having trouble not thinking about Lindsay Lohan every time her name is mentioned, but what happened this weekend so encapsulates what this woman stands for.  She didn’t finish the 5k run as promoted on her twitter account – She didn’t finish the race, opting to leave the course early to avoid more crowds at the end – and when asked about cooking a turkey for Thanksgiving Palin states that it’s simply “too much work.”


A politician avoiding crowds and dissing an American holiday?  WTF?  Actually, it makes sense.  Sarah Palin is a lazy quitter.  She’s personality driven along the lines of Paris Hilton, and for a group of people who screamed non-stop about Barack Obama’s “lack of experience” to now support someone who wears her ignorance as a badge of honor boggles the mind.  But I guess “experience matters” is so 2008.

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