It’s Tuesday and it’s December! Can you believe how fast this year went by? It’s time for an open thread to tell us what’s on your mind. Post away.
In most cases, he followed the recommendation of the parole board, but in several cases he overrode the objections of prosecutors, judges and victims’ families. And in several, he followed recommendations for clemency from Baptist preachers who had been longtime supporters.
Prosecutors told him he was ignoring his responsibility to explain to citizens why he was setting free convicted murderers and rapists. His response, some of them say, was to blame others and strike out against his critics — an off-note from a man they consider a gifted politician.
“Victims groups were pretty well ignored, along with boots-on-the-streets law enforcement and good citizens who sit on these juries,” said Larry Jegley, who objected to Mr. Clemmons’s clemency request as the prosecuting attorney for Pulaski County, where he was convicted.
Stick a fork in Huckabee, he’s done.
Politico, for some unknown reason, had an interview with Dick Cheney about Afghanistan. I’m not sure why Cheney is considered a credible voice on Afghanistan, but the MSM hangs on his every chest thump. Afghanistan, you know, is the war Bush & Cheney ignored to chase after phantom WMDs in Iraq.
On the eve of the unveiling of the nation’s new Afghanistan policy, former Vice President Dick Cheney slammed President Barack Obama for projecting “weakness” to adversaries and warned that more workaday Afghans will side with the Taliban if they think the United States is heading for the exits.
Yes, we mustn’t think about things, that’s just bad. I’ll bet you’re also surprised to learn that the problems in Afghanistan weren’t Bush’s fault. Just like the deficit and the financial crisis, all the problems began on January 20, 2009 (after 12 PM of course):
But Cheney rejected any suggestion that Obama had to decide on a new strategy for Afghanistan because the one employed by the previous administration failed.
Cheney was asked if he thinks the Bush administration bears any responsibility for the disintegration of Afghanistan because of the attention and resources that were diverted to Iraq. “I basically don’t,” he replied without elaborating.
He’s basically wrong.