Delaware Liberal

‘Bulo Remembers 2009-‘Surfin’ the Microverse’ Edition

Too bad we didn’t have the microverse back in 1969…we needed psychedelics to visualize it.

Too bad we (aka ‘I’) don’t have psychedelics in 2009…this phantasmagorical (microscopic) slide show would really blow my mind.

As it is, the winners of Nikon’s 2009 ‘Small World’ Microphotography Contest are absolutely breathtaking. And proof that ‘Life is Art’.

These would have been on walls of virtually every ‘cool kid’s’ dorm room back in ’69. #12, “Flow Pattern in Draining Soap Film”, would have consigned my Wassily Kandinsky poster to the trash heap, and # 9 (‘number 9, number 9’) might have even been too intense for psylocibin, but YMMV.

Cue “White Rabbit”.

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