Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 3, 2009

It’s time for today’s open thread so let’s get started. What’s on your mind?

All I can say about this is delicious! Former Fox News anchor Eric Burns speaks out (I hear the David Andersons now – commie lib!):

I speak out now because it is the time of year when one is supposed to count blessings. I have several. Among them is that I do not have to face the ethical problem of sharing an employer with Glenn Beck.

Actually, Beck is a problem of taste as well as ethics. He laughs and cries; he pouts and giggles; he makes funny faces and grins like a cartoon character; he makes earnest faces yet insists he is a clown; he cavorts like a victim of St. Vitus’s Dance. His means of communicating are, in other words, so wide-ranging as to suggest derangement as much as versatility.

He is Huey Long without the political office.

He is Father Coughlin without the dour expression.

He is John Birch without the Society.

He is an embarrassment to all true conservatives, men and women who believe sincerely, thoughtfully and sensibly that the role of government in American life should be limited.

Of course, Beck does not call himself a conservative; he is, rather, a libertarian, which may be defined as a conservative-squared, a person who wants the feds to collect no money in taxes, spend no money on programs, but make available all services that the libertarian deems necessary for his own convenience and safety.

Burns doesn’t let Hannity and O’Reilly off the hook either in his essay. I think it’s nice to know that there are conservatives out there that recognize the lunacy of Beck and are fighting against it. Good luck, it must be a lonely club.

Republicans are unveiling their new job-creation plan. It’s a free lunch!

Speaking at the Heritage Foundation in Washington the day before President Obama’s “jobs summit,” Cantor outlined what he called “a no-cost jobs plan.”

Let’s pause, for a second, to appreciate the brilliant rhetorical framing. A no-cost jobs plan! Without adding a single dime to the deficit, the Republican’s plan will ameliorate the worst unemployment crisis in 30 years. One wonders how a political party capable of such innovative thinking ever lost its hold of power.

It’s warmed over Bushism and magical thinking. Remember, these are the people that call themselves fiscal conservatives.

To recap: Cut regulations. Freeze spending. Cut taxes. No new taxes. That’s the plan.

OK, I’m no economist but someone explain to me how cutting spending has ever created a job.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (13)

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  1. President Obama is the only guy who would have a job summit without business groups. What kind of jobs does he plan for us?

  2. PPP has Castle up by 6. I guess the post Iraq bounce is gone.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    There are plenty of business people at the Jobs Summit, if you’d bother to look at something other than Fox Noise.

  4. pandora says:

    Castle by 6? Is that all?

  5. JustTheFacts says:

    David –

    Government jobs. Digging holes in the ground, mostly. And of course, filling them back up again. And considering you’re a Republican, he’ll probably make you be the one who digs and not the one who fills. He’s mean and crafty like that.

    I mean, big business (which is what the Chamber of Commerce is) has done such a bang up job this year with the whole job creation “thing”. Why do we even have a President anyway? Business executives should just run the show because all they care about are jobs and the little guy.

    I’m totally with you.

  6. J.Stewart says:

    but but but, what about all those “rightwinghatemongers”???

    Secret Service: Threats Against Obama No Higher than Normal

    CBS ^ | 12/3/09 | Stepahine Condom
    The director of the Secret Service today disputed widely-reported claims that President Obama is receiving more death threats than previous presidents. At a congressional hearing into the White House security breach that took place last week, when Tareq and Michaele Salahi “crashed” the White House state dinner, Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan said the current threat level against the president is normal. “The threats right now … is the same level as it has been for the previous two presidents at this point in their administrations,” Sullivan said. Sullivan was the only requested witness who agreed to testify today before…

  7. Brooke says:

    At what point did “conservatives” earn the right to be called “men and women who believe sincerely, thoughtfully and sensibly that the role of government in American life should be limited.”

    In my lifetime they’ve been “men and women who believe loudly that their social agenda justifies the expansion of government into bedrooms, state run education, and the internal politics of every nation.”

  8. MJ says:

    Once again, another family values Republican gets caught with his pants down and resigns –

    How many does that make this year? I’ve lost count.

  9. J.Stewart says:

    I draw no deeper political meaning from the news item…. it’s just weird:

    Obama Ecstasy pills hit the streets (in Tx)
    WTSP ^ | 12/3/2009 | Phil Landeros

    PALMVIEW, Texas – President Barack Obama’s approval rating may be hovering in the 50 percent range, but that doesn’t mean America’s Commander-in-Chief isn’t catching on with new constituents.

    There is now a line of Ecstasy pills made in the image of the 44th president of the United States, according to Texas police who have snatched a batch off the streets

    Ecstasy is known for a sense of elation, diminished feelings of fear and anxiety, and ability to induce a sense of intimacy with others.

    Perhaps a good Election Day strategy to get out the vote?

    A stash of the brightly colored tablets was found Monday during a south Texas traffic stop.

    Police in Palmview detained a driver after finding black tar heroin, cocaine, marijuana and several Ecstasy pills in the back of his car.

    The drugs look like a “vitamin for kids,” police spokesman Lenny Sanchez said.

    Police say that other Ecstasy pills they found were made to look like the cartoon characters Homer Simpson and the Smurfs.

    The 22-year-old driver is expected to face felony drug possession counts.

    Palmview is near the border with Mexico.

    No word on the driver’s political affiliation.

  10. A. price says:

    MUST be obamas fault. what exactly was your point with that post?

  11. Gecko has no point, as usual.

  12. Miscreant says:

    “I draw no deeper political meaning from the news item…. it’s just weird:”

    Dude… you were actually looking for a “deeper political meaning” in that article?