Breaking: State Rep. Announces Retirement

Filed in National by on December 4, 2009

I have been told on good authority that State Representative  V. George Carey (R-Milford) tonight announced that he will retire at the conclusion of his current term.

The D’s reportedly have a superb possible candidate in the wings, Russ McCabe, former state archivist.  I’ve known Russ casually for awhile, and I can tell you that he’d make a great representative.

While the 36th tends to vote R, the numbers are not bad at all: 6929 D’s, 5895 R’s, and 3927 I’s. This would immediately move to near the top of the best pick-up opportunities for the House D’s should McCabe run.

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  1. M.Opaliski says:

    And Russ is a Conservative too, excellent.

  2. anon says:

    Sweet. Another career pensioned state employee good guy who’s a “conservative,” or “conservative” enough to get elected. The “conservative” thing worked great with Schwartzkopf and Atkins, right up until they jacked taxes on everybody.

  3. Was this retirement unexpected?

  4. Herb says:

    all but official since at least June. michael fannin is on the republican wish list.

  5. It was not unexpected. The R’s may have problems b/c Carey’s son reportedly wants to run, and he might do for that district what Polly Adams Mervine did for Uncle Thurm’s district.

    And, can we let 20 minutes go by before we start to label someone? Anyone who thinks that Russ McCabe is another George Carey doesn’t know him.

  6. Herb says:

    carey the younger not running, see above.

  7. anon says:

    Former Sussex councilman Lynn Rogers (D) also wants to run.

  8. You guys know that area better than I do, but wasn’t Rogers the guy who the Party wanted to run in the district that the auctioneer guy won? I know they wanted him to run for something, and he demurred.

  9. anon. says:

    El Som, no, that was Finley Jones they wanted to run against Wilson. Russ can win this seat, Fannin is a unknown and will have the dirty word “cookie cutter developer” hung around his neck.

  10. anon says:

    Mike Fannin may be on Mike Fannin’s wish list, but not many others. Anybody who tried to develop half the district would have trouble.

    The Sussex County David Burris was on the wish list, but I hear he’s out.

    The best candidate might end up being Kim Hoey from Milford, but there will probably be five or six who try. There’s also the young guy who won a Milford council seat last year, I think. Jason something.

    With McCabe being from Milton, the GOP is better off with someone from the Milford area.

  11. That’s right, Finley Jones. I think he opted for a vacation in Canada instead, if my memory serves.

    And, right behind ‘developer’ on the list of pejoratives is ‘former Sussex County Councilman’. W/o Council’s hijinks, developers would not have been able to get so much highly-questionable stuff built.

  12. anon. says:

    Mike claims hes Sussex Counties largest privately owned developer. check him out at

  13. MJ says:

    Russ is actually a moderate and was a huge supporter of Jack Markell during the primary. He’s a great person and would be a welcome addition to Leg Hall. And he’s no Atkins.

  14. MJ says:

    Actually, we wish Lynn Rogers would just go away.

  15. anon says:

    Rogers was one of the people seeking the nod for Adams’ Senate seat. He was the fallback choice of the anti-Mervine people after the other candidates withdrew.

  16. anon says:

    anon @9:57 – Is that Jason Adkins, Milford councilman?

  17. Herb says:

    yeah, but come on, honestly, he won a special election and, is what, 15?

  18. John Tobin says:

    El Somnambulo:
    You were five days ahead of the News-Journal ,although they can not break it until official except as commentary. It is good to gets DL’s headsup.

  19. anon says:

    “although they can not break it until official except as commentary.”

    Care to translate that into English?

  20. pandora says:

    I think John is referencing the Editorial/Opinion page.

  21. John Tobin says:

    Yes,Pandora, that is exactly what I meant to say.