Delaware Liberal

Bulo Remembers 2009-The Best in Science, i.e. ‘The Cool Stuff’

OK, a confession. Science class was where I caught up on my sleep in high school. Guess I always intuited that ‘other people’ could handle the ‘science thing’ much better than I ever could.

And they have. Today, I proudly present the Popular Science (aka ‘Science for Dummies’?) Best of What’s New List. 100 innovations to intrigue experts and laypersons alike.

Here are some that fascinated me:

The Toxin Terminator

The Search Engine We’ve All Been Waiting For

Waterless Recycling

The ‘Lung Flute’-Music, or is it Mucus, To My Ears

The ‘Happy Helmet’…a Little Pricy But the Bill Won’t Depress You

Errorless Parallel Parking

Gadgeteers and geeksters would have an entirely different list than mine. Maybe Colin O’Mara and Alan Levin should check out the green innovations for possible job development ideas.

And, I especially look forward to UI’s favorites, not to mention her debunkings. EVERY blog should have their own scientist, and we’ve got the best.

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