Happy Delaware Day!

Filed in National by on December 7, 2009

Today is the 222nd anniversary of Delaware’s ratification of our federal Constitution, the first state in the young country to do so. Since 1933, the Governors of our First State have proclaimed this day to be Delaware Day to celebrate our Firstness.

In honor of the occasion, for the 8th straight year, fourth grades around the state are participating in a class project competition, the winners of which were to be announced on Saturday at a program honoring the recipients of the Signers’ Awards, with photos of the winning submissions shown on the Delaware Day website starting at some point today.

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  1. a. price says:

    so, the last song lyrics i gave were from racist, Toby Keith. hopefully these will be better

    Our Delaware
    Written by George B. Hynson
    Composed by M. S. Brown

    Oh the hills of dear New Castle,
    and the smiling vales between,
    When the corn is all in tassel,
    And the meadowlands are green;
    Where the cattle crop the clover,
    And its breath is in the air,
    While the sun is shining over
    Our beloved Delaware.


    Where the wheat fields break and billow,
    In the peaceful land of Kent,
    Where the toiler seeks his pillow,
    With the blessings of content;
    Where the bloom that tints the peaches,
    Cheeks of merry maidens share,
    And the woodland chorus preaches
    A rejoicing Delaware.


    Dear old Sussex visions linger,
    Of the holly and the pine,
    Of Henlopens Jeweled finger,
    Flashing out across the brine;
    Of the gardens and the hedges,
    And the welcome waiting there,
    For the loyal son that pledges
    Faith to good old Delaware.


    From New Castle’s rolling meadows,
    Through the fair rich fields of Kent,
    To the Sussex shores hear echoes,
    Of the pledge we now present;
    Liberty and Independence,
    We will guard with loyal care,
    And hold fast to freedom’s presence,
    In our home state Delaware.


    Oh our Delaware! Our beloved Delaware!
    For the sun is shining over our beloved Delaware,
    Oh our Delaware! Our beloved Delaware!
    Heres the loyal son that pledges,
    Faith to good old Delaware.

  2. Brooke says:

    I’m just about the only one I know who can (and, sadly, does) sing this song.

    Sappy, but I’m fond of it. 😀

  3. a.price says:

    brooke, i know and can sing it too, hence the post :). Not sure if the tune is common or unique, but it is pretty “Rodgers and Hammerstine” if ya know what i mean.

  4. kavips says:

    Nice catch on the 222 .. I missed that.