Franken Cuts Off Lieberman

Filed in National by on December 17, 2009

This is awesome — and McCain jumping up to defend “comity” takes the cake. Comity means that you start out by trying to not take advantage of the rules. It’s like he is defending Mob rules or something:



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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. wikwox says:

    Don’t ya’ just love it! Heres hoping a bunch more comes Little Joes way. He richly deserves it. I owe Joe Liebeerman on thing tho’, I thought I couldn’t hate any Senator more than I hate Jim DeMint but I was wrong.

  2. I wonder if Joe Lieberman has gone too far for the lapdog press. They’ve been endlessly playing the clips of Lieberman talking about Medicare buy-in. Lieberman had a brand as moral. It really undercuts his media brand. I wonder if Lieberman will face his worst nightmare – a world where he is irrelevant and he’s no longer on the DC press corps speed dial.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    We thought that John McCain had gone too far for the lapdog press after his his utterly mendacious campaign and here we are — John McCain is still everywhere.

  4. M. McKain says:

    hahaha – love it.

  5. M. McKain says:


    Yes you self-serving flip-flopping pain in the derrier. Really. We’re tired of you calling the shots for the other 59 Democrats who were elected by the American people and for the other 250+ in the House, representing a MAJORITY of Americans. Really. We’re not going to pander to you any more. God (or whoever he believes in) bless Al Franken for taking a stand.

  6. A. price says:

    what harms the senate is the fact that senators like McCain and LIEberman are whores to the insurance companies. Screw you McCain