Delaware Liberal

Thursday Open Thread

It’s Thursday and it’s open thread time. Remember, tomorrow is DL’s War on Christmas Party. The WOC party starts at 7 p.m. at C.W. Harborside. We’ll be collecting canned goods to donate to the Food Bank. Come on out and forget your troubles for a while!

How did I miss this?

A Costco in Salt Lake City, Utah reportedly removed all of its tomatoes ahead of a Sarah Palin book tour event, after a man was arrested for attempting to hit Palin with a tomato at an earlier event in Minnesota.

According to the Salt Lake Tribune, Costco management was “determined” to avoid another tomato-throwing incident, and resorted to removing all of the tomatoes from the store.

I have to add that I think it’s wrong to throw items at someone you don’t like. Doesn’t the Costco reaction seem a bit extreme?

Sarah Palin is all about regular folks:

Halliday was called by a friend at 8 a.m. last Wednesday and was told Palin needed her hair done that morning. Halliday had planned to take her 3-year-old to the dentist for her first filling that morning, but arranged for her husband to get off work for that chore.

She was told to meet the group at the Monaco Hotel in downtown Salt Lake City and to just leave her car with valet parking.

After being ushered to a room on the 15th floor and given some instructions (don’t talk to Palin unless she talks first) she did Palin’s hair while the former Alaska governor chatted with her family.

Then, the Palin party left to get to the book signing at Costco on time. Halliday was the last one out of the room because she had to put her equipment away, then watched as they all drove off without anyone mentioning payment or a tip, which is common when the hairdresser travels to the client for the appointment.

When the valet attendant got her car, he said that would be $10. She said she was with the Palin party and assumed they would take care of parking. That was news to him, so she had to fork over the $10.

She says her friend has contacted Palin’s assistant and was told to send them an invoice.

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