Let It Snow!

Filed in Delaware by on December 18, 2009

Just the possibility of snow brings out the kid in me.  And while I know this isn’t the most convenient time for a major snowstorm – and I still have a gazillion things to do – I’m secretly thrilled.  So in the spirit of you can’t control the weather here’s Lena Horne performing my favorite version of Let It Snow!


Also… it isn’t supposed to start snowing until after DL’s War On Christmas Party TONIGHT!  (7:00, CW Harborside)  Divine Intervention?  😉


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (15)

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  1. I may make an appearance at tonight’s shindig. However, the inconvenient truth is this global-warming-spawned storm has made me reconfigure my weekend shopping plans, so a large portion of that credit-induced purchasing may be moved to tonight.

    We’ll see!

  2. Unignorant Lawyer says:

    I do love a good snow fall, with accumulation. Its an excuse for not working and doing something with the kids. Just wish it happened on a weekday.

  3. I’ll have no excuse not to put up my Christmas tree tomorrow.

  4. Unignorant Lawyer says:

    I still haven’t taken mine down from last year. Works for me.

  5. a.price says:

    YAY SNOW!!!!! my new awesome apartment has a WONDERFUL view of north wilmington on up into pa (i think) i’ve been waiting since the pretty fall leaves started falling to look out and see a white out….

    Also, can anyone tell me where to look for the War on Christmas party? last drinking liberally i went to, i walked around trying to listen for political discourse and I think I freaked out a table of yuppies. I know it’s CW.. should I just go to the hostess and tell “I’m here for the War on Christmas”? should I do it while wearing a yarmulke and holding a menorah that has been modified into a trident?

  6. Progressive Mom says:

    Oh, my, Snow in Wilmington? You’ve all got your milk and bread, right?

    Up here in western NY our ground is covered, our skies are bright blue and we’re all shopping….

    …because it looks like we’re going to get gobsmacked by major snow and possibly ice on Christmas Day.


    Have fun at tonight’s party!

  7. Lizard says:

    hmmm global Warming Snow… Pres Obama must have brought it back from Copenhagen! 🙂

  8. liberalgeek says:

    a.price – Just ask for Delaware Liberal. I’ll make sure they know where we are.

  9. anon says:

    More than once I have gone into a bar and asked where is the Drinking Liberally group. I haven’t endured such mockery from drunks since high school.

  10. a.price says:

    and what do you mean by “make sure they know where” you are……. uh boy… talking politics and drinking to keep warm with the added drinking incentive of the holidays… and the 8th night of cchhaannuukkaahh…. i hope RWR shows up

  11. ergonomic says:

    Yes, Pan…
    Snow is a thrill.
    I think even Tea Bag Types, Fox News, Liberals and Progressives could probably all agree to that.
    At least I hope we can.

  12. a.price says:

    I dunno, if Obama seems to be pro-snow, (and we know from his auto biography, he was at SOME point ..OOHHH BURN!) I bed Glenny-poo will find a connection between snowmen, and Nazi control over his speed supply…. i mean, people.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    So is anyone watching the predictions on this thing? Yesterday they were calling for 1-4 inches — now they are up to 8-14.

    We came back from Philly on 95 around noon and they had already been working on brining the interstate.

  14. pandora says:

    BUT… it won’t start until after DL’s War on Christmas party. Somehow that just seems… right. 😉

  15. MMMmmm…brining the interstate. Always makes for a tasty ride home!