Delaware Liberal

Senate Bill Passes 2nd Cloture Vote

The 2nd cloture vote on the Senate health care reform bill. The motion to end debate passed 60-39. So, it looks like Sen. Coburn’s prayer that someone not show up for voting (Sen. Inhofe) came true after all! Congrats, to Sen. Coburn, he was probably doubting the righteousness of denying people health care.

The Wonk Room put together this handy chart about the Senate health care bill and why it should pass:

There’s been a lot of give-and-take between the left and the left about the Senate health care bill. Jane Hamsher posted her “10 Reasons to Kill the Senate Bill”. Ezra Klein responds with “Jane Hamsher’s 10 reasons to kill the bill”. John Cohn at The New Republic responds to Hamsher with “Don’t Kill the Bill, Cont’d”. Sen. Harkin and President Obama have responded to some critics by saying that this bill isn’t perfect and that it is a beginning and not an end. Meanwhile Daily Kos has been tied up in knots over Jane Hamsher’s suggestion that we ally ourselves with teabaggers to defeat the Senate bill.

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