Happy Festivus – The Airing of Grievances

Filed in National by on December 23, 2009

It is time to air your grievances. Against us at Delaware Liberal. Against anyone. Do it. It’s Festivus.

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  1. Happy Festivus | December 23, 2009
  1. Joanne Christian says:

    Here goes…You know I love you guys. And I know I don’t have any of the “behind the scenes info.”. But really, booting Hef AKA donviti over an anti-Obama whaling, appears to us front counter readers as neither liberal nor progressive–but an intolerant move unlike many a dinner table conversation families have that “piss off Pop”–and children know they better run for cover. Just sayin’. And don’t get me wrong–he has crossed the line on what I term a decency level many times–but he doesn’t hijack threads or out people–more egregious in this format. He just “pisses off Pop”–AND offends/ embarasses Mom. Again, just saying…perhaps a “time out” would have sufficed. It’s a shame to think he and Mike W. are of the same cellblock. Happy Festivus??!!

  2. liberalgeek says:

    JC, I moved your comment to this thread, as I think this is where you wanted it. Let me know if that is incorrect.

    As for the Donviti debacle, you said it best:

    And I know I don’t have any of the “behind the scenes info.”

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    I trust you implicitly LG. So I’ll think of another “Festivus” reactivus:)!!!

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    Ditto, LG. Not to drag that unpleasantness up again though. I am happy that he shines as a commenter here, and has his own great blog. And he is still a good friend.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    No, I am sure that is a grievance of many readers.

    Personally, I’d like to say that the News Journal is rotten. They ignore DL all year long with only two exceptions:

    1) Give a rundown of the Jason330/Donviti blowup.

    2) Suggest that we were the source of a rumor that Chris Coons was going to Washington. A post that was based on a submitted tip and was (in our post) refuted by the Coons administration. IOW, we asked a follow-up question, but the News Journal couldn’t be bothered to read the answer.


  6. anonone says:

    Delaware Liberal has lost its cutting edges without Jason and Donviti. Not that I don’t enjoy everybody else a lot (I do!), but the current bloggers seem to be more interested in being Delaware Democrats or Delaware Middles. You don’t have anybody screaming from the far left anymore.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    We have you, A1. 😉 But we do agree with you about Jason. I personally would love to have him back for the Biden-Castle race.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    Let me also say that DelawarePolitics is the most technically annoying site in Delaware. The crap that David A has put up there cause my browser to constantly load stuff for the 2 minutes a day that I am over there. As the guy that frets over each little complaint about tech stuff here, I wish DA would spend some time bug-killing.

  9. Delaware Dem says:

    DP is half the reason why I killed Around the Horn.

  10. pandora says:

    I hear you, LG. I popped over the other day and left due to this issue. DP’s home page never seems to load completely for me. But… I don’t think they’re as fortunate as us. We have tech gods.

  11. anon says:

    The crap that David A has put up there cause my browser to constantly load stuff for the 2 minutes a day that I am over there.

    NoScript is your friend. Everything is much more behaved with javascript blocked.

  12. Joanne Christian says:

    And on another note…I HATE how every youth group, church group, community group tries to book time to sing carols at nursing homes. Gee, January thru November they sure wouldn’t mind somebody coming in to sing “Oh Susannah”, or “You are My Sunshine”–shoot they could even do a run of patriotic songs around the national holidays. Same with food drives–I understand you have to capitalize on the goodwill of the holidays to really load those shelves, but people are hungry in April too. Seems to me the more time sensitive drives of coats, blankets, and unfortunately blood–and especially blood have to operate in a “red alert” mode.

    Have you–if you’re able given blood this holiday season?

  13. anonone says:

    The crap that David A has put up there cause my browser to constantly load stuff …

    Browsers have a liberal bias.

  14. JC wrote:

    “And on another note…I HATE how every youth group, church group, community group tries to book time to sing carols at nursing homes.”

    Now, THAT is too true and too funny. And so in the spirit of Festivus.