Delaware Liberal

Top 10 Celebrity Falls From Grace of the Decade

Yeah, I know this is El Som’s ballywick, but I couldn’t help myself when I cam across this on (not the best site to be viewed while at work).

So which celebrity beat out Chris Brown, Amy Winehouse, Phil Spector, Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Michael Vick, Britney Spears, Tiger Woods and Lindsay Lohan?

If you guessed George W. Bush, you’d be right.

The ultimate celebrity, the former President once found himself on top of the game, enjoying the approval of much of the free world. Fast forward a few years through a couple of skirmishes in Asia, a rainy day down in New Orleans and an economy that had people reminiscing about the oh so fun 1930’s, and Bush found himself as a universal punch line. The dude even had a shoe thrown at him. This man was the President of the United States, a job once held by George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. And now, he’s an international symbol of staggering incompetence. I mean, seriously, at this point would you give him a job managing a hamburger stand? To be number one on this list, you have to have had a hell of a decade. And really, can you think of anyone else who had a rougher decade than ol’ Dubya?


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