Delaware Liberal

What Did He Think Cutting the Budget Would Look Like?

Delaware Politics’ Tennessee Walker has criticized Governor Markell today over the news that the Blizzard of 2009 has nearly exhausted the state budget for snow removal and salting the roads already. Tennessee really has some nerve, and he has brought hypocrisy to unseen record breaking levels.

Budget busting Republicans love to criticize spending and have demanded more and more spending cuts from the state budget. Well, what the hell does Walker think gets cut when spending is cut across the board? Yeah, that’s freaking right, things like snow removal. And now Tennessee thinks he has the right to criticize the Governor for not spending enough money for snow removal? Pardon me while I laugh hysterically. In New Jersey, when the beloved Governor Chris Christie does the same thing next year, will the hypocrite Walker be criticizing Christie? Of course not.

(Note: I originally thought David Anderson wrote this DP post, but my reading comprehension skills are obviously impaired today. I have edited the post because the same point remains valid.)

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