Delaware Liberal

Republicans Get Their Stoopid On

Part One: Many of you probably heard about the attempted terrorist attack on an airplane landing in Detroit, but what you might not have heard about was Republican Congressman Pete Hoekstra’s recent inanity. (h/t Eschaton)

“It’s not surprising,” U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, a Holland Republican, said of the alleged terrorist attempt to blow up a Northwest Airlines flight in Detroit. … “People have got to start connecting the dots here and maybe this is the thing that will connect the dots for the Obama administration,” Hoekstra said.

If Hoekstra could connect the dots using crayons, I’d be very surprised. More on Hoekstra’s “ignorant, politicized conclusions” from Matthew Yglesias.

Part Two: Some of you might remember when I posted this video from the Daily Show about the fake outrage over the White House Christmas tree ornaments. Now mind you this was fake — there was no outrage, it was The Daily Show being The Daily Show. Too bad no one let the Big Government blog know about it when they got in a tizzy. Media Matters writes:

A random White House Christmas tree ornament, of unknown origin, featured a world famous image of Mao as interpreted by Andy Warhol. But because Breitbart and his bloggers are so clueless about pop culture and art (they seem to have no idea what Warhol’s “Mao” is), they wrote up a blog post in which they proudly advertised their ignorance.  Again.

Behold “conservative journalism.”

A few years ago a new saying was born, “Life imitates The Simpsons.” Maybe we should start a new saying, “Teabaggers imitate The Daily Show.”

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