Delaware Liberal

Rachel Maddow Calls Out “Chatty Cathy” Cheney And The Parroting Press

If you haven’t watched the video below, please do so.  Rachel Maddow, calmly and professionally, dismantles every bit of garbage spewing out of our former Vice President’s mouth.  And, isn’t it ironic that a man who spent the majority of the last eight years in an undisclosed location is now seeking the spotlight with a fervor that makes Lindsay Lohan appear shy and reticent.


Dick Cheney’s lies are simply breathtaking, but as Rachel points out (at the end of the video) he gets away with this crap because the Press allows him.  That may be changing, however.  In a column today, Eugene Robinson uses the “L” word.

Dick Cheney’s lies about President Obama

That’s quite a headline, and hopefully it will catch on.  Look, Cheney’s not stupid.  He knows he’s lying.  The question is why would he blatantly say things that can be so easily disproved?  Well… why wouldn’t he when he knows the press will simply repeat his claims verbatim.  It’s the equivalent of  a boss instructing his secretary to “Take a letter.”  Cheney speaks, the press copies down what he says, and then… that’s it.

I understand that Republicans/Conservatives view fear and terror as their path to victory, but there’s something undeniably creepy about their reaction to the underwear bomber; a sort of glee that I find disconcerting.

And while they may revel, and fundraise, over an averted tragedy to score political points, the press shouldn’t be their cheerleaders.  Now, don’t get me wrong, the press isn’t really picking sides.  Their role has been that of the crowd sceaming “Fight!  Fight!” from the sidelines.  They are the equivalent of a high school note-passer who enflames an argument by leaving out vital information.  Cheney and Republicans count on this behavior.  They are quite confident that they can keep ramping up the rhetoric with no fear of being called out and facing embarrassment.  The stenographers press have no real incentive to set the record straight (other than professional integrity – I crack myself up!) because, if they did, they’d kill the story they are creating, and might actually have to do some real reporting.  But I guess it’s just easier to say, “Psst… did you hear what he called you?”  And when the other party responds… well, that’s tomorrow’s story.

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