Archive for December, 2009

Americans Want More Jobs Spending and They Want Rich People to Pay for It

Filed in National by on December 15, 2009 1 Comment
Americans Want More Jobs Spending and They Want Rich People to Pay for It

Americans want their government to create jobs through spending on public works, investments in alternative energy or skills training for the jobless.

They also want the deficit to come down. And most are ready to hand the bill to the wealthy.

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Does Mike Castle Oppose The FDIC Too?

Filed in Delaware, National by on December 15, 2009 1 Comment

Last week the U.S. House passed an ambitious financial overhaul package. The vote count was 223-202, with some Blue Dogs voting with all Republicans (including Mike Castle) against the bill. Mike Castle released this statement about his vote: “Since the financial crisis began, I have worked with my Republican and Democrat colleagues in the House […]

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Public Option And Medicare Buy-In Dropped

Filed in National by on December 14, 2009 127 Comments

Reports are just coming in that there’s a new “deal” on health care reform. President Lieberman wants only to give U.S. taxpayer money to big insurance companies but doesn’t care anything about lowering costs. Do you know the origin of the Medicare buy-in? Joe Lieberman. Joe Lieberman proposed a Medicare buy-in compromise as late as […]

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Food Bank Donations Down

Filed in National by on December 14, 2009 2 Comments

We are having our War on Christmas party on this Friday at CW Harborside at 7PM.  We will be collecting donations for the Food Bank of Delaware to help them out.  I just saw a tweet from the Food Bank.  They are currently down over 12 tons from last year at the same time.  I […]

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Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 14, 2009 17 Comments

It’s Monday so let’s get started on our open thread. How’s your holiday shopping going? Despite my doubts about the new fitness shoe craze, I bought some. I’ve been wearing them and they’re pretty comfortable but my thighs are killing me. Is this a sign they’re working? I find this interesting, especially since Joe Lieberman […]

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Jacob Hacker Endorses Medicare Buy-in

Filed in National by on December 14, 2009 3 Comments

Even though apparently Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson are now bad-mouthing a deal they helped to make, Jacob Hacker was in the news last week endorsing the Medicare Buy-In. Hacker being pretty much the Godfather of the Public Option. The complete interview on this (including others) is here on the PBS website, but this piece from Hacker is important:

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The Blame Obama Brigade

Filed in National by on December 14, 2009 116 Comments

This weekend seemed to be filled with lots of discussion all over the internet re: Matt Taibbi’s piece giving President Obama’s economic team a not undeserved beat down. I like Taibbi’s writing a lot and the fact that he doesn’t do conventional “objective” reporting doesn’t bother me (but the repetition of bad data does bother me, like the so-called “cost” of all of the bailouts being 23.7 trillion), but I still find it hugely remarkable that there are plenty of people on the left who are very comfortable blaming Obama for not being liberal or progressive enough – as if that is all it would take to get major legislation through Congress.

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The GOP Abandons Rhode Island

Filed in National by on December 14, 2009 2 Comments

Rhode Island is gearing up for a governor’s race in 2010. And this is one election result I can predict with certainty, the Republicans will not win this race . . . you can take that to the bank. Political Wire reports that the sole GOP candidate for governor has dropped out of the race. […]

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Holiday Gifts That Give Back

Filed in National by on December 14, 2009 4 Comments
Holiday Gifts That Give Back

I’m sure many of you have had the experience of trying to shop for the person who has everything (I know I do). Before you buy them yet another gadget that they can’t use, think about giving gifts of charity. My family tried this last year, and it was a big hit. Below is a […]

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60 Minutes Interview with Obama

Filed in National by on December 13, 2009 0 Comments

Here is the 60 Minutes with President Obama and, yes, they asked the most important question — What about the gatecrashers? Watch CBS News Videos Online

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Health Insurance Lobby Astroturfs Facebook Games

Filed in National by on December 13, 2009 3 Comments

Millions of Facebook users spend their time as digital farmers, pirates or wise guys and the health insurance lobby has found a way to use these games to further their political agenda. . . . Get Health Reform Right, are paying Facebook users “virtual currency” – which is useful in Facebook games like “FarmVille,” “Mafia […]

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Houston Loves Teh Gay

Filed in National by on December 13, 2009 14 Comments
Houston Loves Teh Gay

The City of Houston becomes the largest city in the Union to elect an openly gay candidate for mayor. Texas, who would have ever guessed it. I mean this is a state that prides itself in executing the mentally handicapped and most likely executed an innocent man. I would be remiss if I did not […]

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Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 12, 2009 20 Comments

Only two more weekends until Christmas! Have you got your Christmas shopping finished? I’m definitely not finished. I think ‘Bulo is not the only listaholic around here. I found this through Facebook: The 10 Least Successful Holiday Specials Of All Time. Here’s my favorite: Ayn Rand’s A Selfish Christmas (1951) In this hour-long radio drama, […]

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