Archive for December, 2009

The Teapocalypse

Filed in National by on December 12, 2009 2 Comments
The Teapocalypse

Documented by Jon Stewart — and when will the traditional media cover this new scandal from the teabaggers???? There are likely teabagging parties all over the US who are appalled at the plastic Jesus on a spring!

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Bulo Remembers 2009-Most Interesting Ideas of the Year

Filed in National by on December 12, 2009 1 Comment

For the ninth consecutive year, the New York Times Magazine has published its Year In Ideas section. If you have a brain, you’ll want to read it. It is, as the title suggests, thought-provoking. I even found one idea that, were I a state legislator, I’d turn into a bill as soon as possible (more […]

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Carper Fights For His Base

Filed in Delaware, National by on December 12, 2009 22 Comments

Earlier this year Carper voted with the Republicans to block an amendment to allow Medicaid and Medicare to negotiate drug prices. It caused quite a stir because Carper railed against the unfairness of hurting the profits of drug companies. Carper is doing it again. Byron Dorgan has filed an amendment to allow drug reimportation from […]

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Wow. Just Wow.

Filed in National by on December 12, 2009 14 Comments

Looks like the always interesting Michael Steele did a photo shoot with the Republican party interns. Please don’t drink liquid while viewing the pictures.

Bottom line, Michael Steele has no idea ‘what up’ with the Asian guy.

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ACORN Scores A Victory

Filed in National by on December 11, 2009 7 Comments

ACORN has scored a court victory, successfully arguing that Congress’s defunding bill was a bill of attainder: A judge has put an injunction on Congress’s ban on ACORN funding. U.S. District Judge Nina Gershon today ruled to put a preliminary injunction on the Congressional resolution that barred ACORN or its affiliates from receiving federal funds, […]

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Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 11, 2009 9 Comments
Friday Open Thread

Time for your open thread again. Type away and have fun! We’ve had an invasion of scientific “experts” lately, so I thought you might enjoy this. Wikileaks has the doctoral thesis of one Kent Hovind, in Christian Education from Patriot University. Kent Hovind is currently in prison for tax evasion (he forgot the part about […]

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More on The War on Christmas Party

Filed in Delaware by on December 11, 2009 13 Comments

Over the past week, I have told several people about our War on Christmas party.  I have been very surprised that I had to explain it to many people.  Apparently, it is somewhat of an inside joke on the Internet.  I guess it is good that most people haven’t been tricked into this whole War […]

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Why Women Don’t Like Sarah Palin

Filed in National by on December 11, 2009 25 Comments

Public Policy has a new poll out on Sarah Palin: Public Policy Polling released a study on Thursday revealing that, one year after bursting onto the national scene, Palin still has not made inroads among a variety of key demographic groups. Most significantly, among women the Alaska Republican has only a 37 percent favorable rating […]

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Bulo Remembers 2009-This One’s for the Foodies

Filed in National by on December 11, 2009 4 Comments

With both feet and beaucoups d’avoirdupois firmly planted in the “Live to Eat” camp, I pay tribute to my fellow foodies and highlight the Best Cook Books of 2009. From Eat Me Daily, a distinguished group of DIY’s. Also, check out that Bacon Christmas Tree Postcard. As always, one of the most valuable features of […]

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Fox News Is Off The Deep End

Filed in National by on December 11, 2009 1 Comment

I was doing my normal evening blog surfing and I came across this article at TPM: Fox Poll: Does Obama Want To Cut Taxes, Or Is He Corrupt Instead? To be specific, here’s what the poll asked: “What do you think President Obama would like to do with the extra bank bailout money — save […]

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Wait… I Thought That Christians Were Under Attack

Filed in National by on December 10, 2009 14 Comments

We get wacky visitors here all the time talking about how Christmas is under fire, or that liberals are trying to take God out of everything… Then this. North Carolina’s constitution is clear: politicians who deny the existence of God are barred from holding office. Opponents of Cecil Bothwell are seizing on that law to […]

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Anybody Not See This Coming?

Filed in National by on December 10, 2009 15 Comments

Via Think Progress: In an interview with National Review today, DeMint said that the tea parties should no longer be thought of as “separate” from the Republican Party: “The GOP leadership needs to stand up for mainstream American principles,” says DeMint. The best way to do that, he says, is to “look to the great […]

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Governor Markell Discusses Delaware as a Wind Energy Hub

Filed in Delaware by on December 10, 2009 4 Comments
Governor Markell Discusses Delaware as a Wind Energy Hub

Governor Markell addressed the AWEA’s Offhsore Wind Workshop a few weeks back, highlighting his plans to make Delaware a hub of offshore wind energy expertise and manufacturing. We’ve been enthusiastic about this previously, and we’re still enthusiastic. Starting with the U of D really evolving as a major research center for applied alternate energy strategies, to the Bluewater Wind effort, to work to manufacture components here there is great groundwork to grow a real next generation piece of the economy right here.

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