Delaware Liberal

Some Tea Partiers Are Just Bad Spellers (and Racists)

Remember this past summer, when we were all debating whether or not the tea-party movement was racist or not?  One of the interesting parts of the movement was creative sign spelling.

Today brings us news that the two issues are related (as if we didn’t have some supicions all along).  A leader of the Tea Party Movement and owner of, Dale Robertson, was featured in a photo taken in February holding a sign saying “Congress = Slaveowner, Taxpayer = Niggar”

There is so much here.  Poor spelling is apparently rampant.  I mean, let’s face it… The word isn’t that hard to spell.  If you can spell “bigger” or if you have kids, you will be familiar with “Tigger” it shouldn’t be a problem.  Of course it is all thrown into flux when you think “figure” rhymes with it…

If you actually go to the source of the photo, you can also see that the sign used to say something else (perhaps “slave”) but someone decided that that word wasn’t offensive enough.  Of course, it could also be that they thought the word underneath was spelled wrong…

Either way, there is finally a datapoint that irrefutably points to a leader of the movement with some racist tendencies.

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