Role Model

Filed in National by on January 7, 2010

Bristol Palin proves that Sarah Palin is not the only Palin who’s ready to cash in. As a part of the completely logical choice of having the mother of a 1-year-old child be the spokeswoman for abstinence-only education, Bristol Palin is opening a public relations firm.

Bristol Palin, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s daughter, has reportedly filed the paperwork to open a public relations and consulting firm.

The 19-year-old Palin filed with the state Commerce Department to open BSMP LLC, so-called because her full name is Bristol Sharon Marie Palin.

The Palins’ lawyer said Bristol Palin is already an “ambassador” and speaker for the Candie’s Foundation, a group that uses celebrity appearances and PSAs to promote abstinence among teens.

I’m sure there’s plenty of people who want to hire a 19-year-old high school graduate as a public relations professional.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. MJ says:

    I can see all of the abstinence only groups who want an unwed mother to come and speak to them. “Hey, do as I say, not as I did, time and time again.”

  2. Is Bristol going around saying how miserable her life is because she didn’t practice abstinence? That’s one big problem I have with it – she really sends a mixed message. I guess she’s supposed to be ashamed because she’s not married or something? Most of us observing Levi Johnston think she really dodged a bullet with that one.

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    OMG–What, Playboy was booked out? Shouldn’t she and Levi had complementary centerfolds? Honestly, UI if this PR thing is true–please change your header to Hole Model.

  4. anon says:

    She’s already going to get speaking fees from a variety of wackjob organizations, whether she has a PR firm or not. May as well set up a corporation to get the tax benefits. It is actually a smart thing to do. Probably advised by an accountant.

  5. Joanne Christian says:

    Great….rebates w/ repentance.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    This is wingnut welfare at its finest. I am continually amazed that some people have the gall that they have. It should also be noted that this, in some ways, makes Bristol a public person. This makes her vulnerable to criticism. But I’m sure as a PR consultant, she knows that already.

  7. Miscreant says:

    I would imagine that if this was anyone other than Sarah Palin’s daughter, she would be lauded for her initiative. I still can’t believe the vitriol directed at the family. And Joanne, that comment was, by your usual standards, really fucking crude. I’d expect this from most of the liberal bed wetters, but not you. At first, I thought someone hijacked your ID.

  8. a.price says:

    BSMP sounds like some sort of weird sexual fetish.

  9. anon says:

    BSMP sounds like some sort of weird sexual fetish.

    BSMP – A method for reacquiring one’s virginity.

  10. Right mis, so we won’t hear you complain about Beau Biden being Joe Biden’s son?

  11. a.price says:

    Miscreant, i felt bad for bristol up until this point. Her mother failed her and exploited her for political gains again and again. Her dead beat baby daddy, instead of stepping up and being a man exploited her for fame, porn, and to be a spokesman for freakin pistachios. Being a teen mom is hard (duh) and you need all the support you can get. Instead, she was turned into a pawn for the right and a punchline for the left. Very sad.
    However, She did decides to get into PUBLIC RELATIONS. Who is taking care of her infant child? It SURE as hell isn’t Grandma (btw who is taking care of HER still young children while she is on her fame-whore tour?) This whole family is a shameless bunch of reality TV star wanna bes.

  12. Geezer says:

    “if this was anyone other than Sarah Palin’s daughter, she would be lauded for her initiative”

    I don’t think you believe that, Mis. If it were any other 19-year-old, she wouldn’t have any clients, and therefore her initiative wouldn’t amount to a hill of beans. Would Beau Biden be AG if his name were Beau Jones or Beau Smith?

  13. liberalgeek says:

    I wonder how Mis will react when Tiger goes on his fidelity speaking tour.

  14. a.price says:

    as long as tiger embraces Hume’s version of the one true Christ he can do whatever he wants. BTW who wants to bet the pigs at Fixed News attack Cheetah’s wife if he “runs to jesus” and she doesn’t take him back…. doesn’t she respect the words “till death do us part”?

  15. Miscreant says:

    “Right mis, so we won’t hear you complain about Beau Biden being Joe Biden’s son?”

    Flawed analogy, Princess. I never mentioned Beau Biden until he ran for PUBLIC OFFICE (on his father’s coattails/name).

  16. Miscreant says:

    “I wonder how Mis will react when Tiger goes on his fidelity speaking tour.”

    Yet another failed comparison. Mr. Wood is the key player here, not his kids. Now… if his wife would do seminars on extracting celebrities from vehicle crashes with a golf club, I’d be a bit skeptical.

  17. Miscreant says:

    “… she was turned into a pawn for the right and a punchline for the left. Very sad.”

    I agree, but the joke hss been told, ad infinitum, and it’s time to move on.

    “Who is taking care of her infant child? It SURE as hell isn’t Grandma (btw who is taking care of HER still young children while she is on her fame-whore tour?) This whole family is a shameless bunch of reality TV star wanna bes.”

    But, WHY should we even care at this point? I would speculate it’s because Palin continues to cause liberals to wring their hands, and attacking her family is all they have. The only thing “shameless” is that someone is actually taking the time to monitor and report every movement of Palin’s family. But, if that’s all you have….

  18. Miscreant says:

    “If it were any other 19-year-old, she wouldn’t have any clients, and therefore her initiative wouldn’t amount to a hill of beans. Would Beau Biden be AG if his name were Beau Jones or Beau Smith?”

    We both know the answer to that, Geezer. Beau wouldn’t have even been on the radar if it wasn’t for his dad. And no one would have even noticed if young Biden started a private business, public relations, or otherwise. Again, there’s no valid comparison between Biden Jr. and Palin Jr.

  19. pandora says:

    I’m all for leaving kids out of these sorts of discussions. That said, a lot of Republicans were laughing it up when McCain made the “Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?” joke.

    So are kids off the table, or not?

  20. Brooke says:

    Sad as it is, Bristol Palin is part of the discussion. Expect to see some of the money her parents have collected from their various frauds funneled through this corporation.

    This family is like “Growing up Gotti.”

  21. cassandra_m says:

    Mis seems to miss the fact that liberals have been pointing and laughing at Palin ever since John McCain hauled her ass out of Alaska. The only thing that repubs can’t quite settle on is their own rationalization on why so many people don’t take her all that seriously. Either we are snobbish or we are wringing our hands. But these people present themselves as a reality TV family, so there should not be much surprise that they get treated that way.

    And the hypocrisy — don’t get me started. Conservatives went completely batshit over Murphy Brown — a grown up TV character — having a kid out of wedlock (she’s a bad example!), but a high profile kid of a conservative with a out of wedlock baby is cause to celebrate initiative and what the hell ever else.

  22. Miscreant says:

    “McCain made the “Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?” joke.

    So are kids off the table, or not?”

    McCain was then, and remains a disingenuous asshat. Absolutely kids should be off the table (unless they’re a big kid running for public office). Notice how the media (liberal and conservative)respected the wishes of our President to leave his kids alone. That’s a reasonable model.

    “Mis seems to miss the fact that liberals have been pointing and laughing at Palin ever since John McCain hauled her ass out of Alaska.”

    Nope, I noticed that. Because she was running for PUBLIC OFFICE, Palin, the adult, should have expected *some* criticisms, but I believe many were surprised at how the left made a full-time hobby out of denigrating her family and her personal life.

    Who the fuck (in terms of relevance to this discussion, or otherwise) is Murphy Brown?

  23. Brooke says:

    Murphy Brown was the main character in a television show during the Reagan years, whose unwed pregnancy became a talking point for political conservatives.

  24. Any full-grown adult hypocrite in the spotlight is fair game, as far as I’m concerned.

  25. cassandra_m says:

    Palin, the adult, should then not have showcased her dysfunctional family in that reality TV Doncha Just Love Us All way. If you don’t want your family to be the subject of the conversation, then stop making them the subject of conversation. A strategy that the Obamas followed with the exception of that People Magazine thing that they promptly told reporters would not happen again.

  26. Joanne Christian says:

    Over 18
    Applies for a business license
    Unmarried mother

    Which is it going to be child or adult?

    Her name could have been Murphy Brown at age 19 doing the same thing, and I would still question the “expertise” of the marketer. But I guess we’re moved in the times of this “ain’t your mother’s PR firm”.
    Oh–and for anyone who can remember (Som, I’m talking to you)…..I distinctly remember the Phila. Daily News headline…”Murphy Has a Baby…Quayle Has a Cow”. I think they even used it in the show at a later episode. Maybe I had a Phila. Daily News moment!!!!