Delaware Liberal

Thursday Open Thread

It’s Thursday and it’s open thread time. Where did I put my needle?

The good Chris Matthews was out yesterday and he asked a Republican strategist a trick question – what have Republicans done for us in the last 20 years?

It didn’t seem like an unreasonable question. Harris’ goal was to make the case for Republicans to take power, at least on the Hill, in the midterm elections. Matthews, to his credit, argued that the GOP record matters, and sought one example of the Republican Party doing something worthwhile over the last couple of decades. Eventually, Harris said, “The Bush administration kept the country safe.”

Matthews replied, “I just wanted to get the Republican bragging points straight here. So the Republican Party has kept us safe, except for 9/11. Is that the argument? No, really, because you had the worst attack on the American homeland in history, but you’re bragging about your ability to defend the country…. That’s your defense, right?”

Heh. You’d think a Republican strategist would be better prepared for that question. Republicans right now have trouble saying what they want to do (they only oppose things) and what their vision for the future is. More status quo?

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