Delaware Liberal

Newest 9/11 Revisionist – Rudy Giuliani?

I can’t believe Rudy Giuliani passed up the opportunity to talk about 9/11:

Rudy Giuliani, the man who was mayor of New York City during the 9/11 attacks, appeared on Good Morning America today to say President Obama should take lessons from former President George W. Bush on how to prevent a terrorist attack.

“What [Obama] should be doing is following the right things Bush did. One of the right things he did was treat this as a war on terror. We had no domestic attacks under Bush. We’ve had one under Obama,” Giuliani said.

When Dana Perino did it, we thought she was just stupid. Then Mary Matalin did it. Is this a new GOP push to revise history? I knew Republicans wanted everyone to forget the anthrax letters and the DC snipers, but 9/11 too?

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