Delaware Liberal

Breaking! From Talking Points Memo: Palin Joins Fox News

This is not a joke, it’s real. Although, come to think of it, it IS a joke.

Maybe, just maybe, this will remove any last vestige of credibility that this network has. And maybe, just maybe, someone in power will review whether this House organ for the Rethugs is living up to its broadcasting obligations.

She’s also one step closer to that reality show I predicted when she ‘resigned’. After all, would’ja rather watch the Kardashians or the Palins? If I had to choose, it’d be the Palinistas.

Of particular interest to moi and perhaps no one else, the Palins and the von Susterens have grown close:

She and her family have grown close with Fox News personality Greta Van Susteren, who often interviewed the Palins during and after the 2008 presidential campaign. Tripp Palin, Sarah Palin’s grandson, made his television debut on Van Susteren’s show. Van Susteren’s husband, John Coale, has consulted Palin. Todd Palin even went to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner with Van Susteren after his wife declined to attend.

Hmmm, that reality show is really lookin’ goooood!

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