The Brown Campaign is Over.

Filed in National by on January 14, 2010

So, besides their racist hatred of our nation’s first black President, the supposed freedom loving Teabaggers got their start in opposition to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the bailouts of both the banks, AIG and the auto industry. They screamed “stop the bailouts!” They screamed that it was their money. A new moment of populist fervor was sweeping the country, and we were led to believe that the Republicans were the ones to lead this populist uprising.

It will be interesting to see how defending the banks will be seen as populist.

Democrats believe President Barack Obama’s proposed, $90 billion tax on big banks will box in Republicans, giving them the choice between siding with the bankers or breaking with the GOP’s antitax base. If so, Republican Massachusetts Senate candidate Scott Brown has taken the bait. His Democratic opponent, Martha Coakley, embraced the bank tax and spent the day goading Brown to take a stand. […]

Responding to The Wall Street Journal, the Brown campaign said this evening, “Scott Brown is opposed to higher taxes, especially in the midst of a severe recession. Raising taxes will kill jobs. Martha Coakley’s tax-raising policies will make it harder to get our economy back on the right track.”

So Republicans will have us believe, that in a moment of populist fervor which they hope to lead back into power, that the politically smart thing to do, in a close election, is to defend the banking industry.

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  1. Way to go Coakley, put him on the defensive! The ironic thing is that the proposed bank tax is pretty modest. I would like to see it bigger. There has to be something to reign them in. Can you believe these bankers are giving themselves huge bonuses again, with our money. They have a lot of nerve and apparently haven’t learned much.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Little did I know that the Bank Tax was already passed as part of the TARP bill, which held that the tax could be levied at any time until 2013.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    UI, the reason it is not bigger is because the Federal government is expected to recoup $610 billion of the original $700 billion spent on TARP. So the $90 billion figure is the make up the shortfall.

  4. New poll released tonight has Brown up 50%-46%.

  5. A. price says:

    McCain was up briefly as well too. right before his campaign crashed in brilliant palinesqu fire

  6. Yes, I haven’t seen any internals on the poll to know whether it was good or not. I think the difference in all these polls is probably the turnout model. Obviously this one has high Republican turnout and low Democratic turnout. I hope this is wrong.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    It is a Boston Herald poll, and they are not releasing the internals except to say that 17% of Democrats are voting for Brown. So I am taking it with a grain of salt at the moment since no other poll has that result.

  8. Nate Silver declares the race a toss-up. If it’s really that close it could mean that there are recounts and court hearings, based on recent history.

  9. A. price says:

    well, time for everyone here to get on our friends/family who can vote in MA to do the right… well not RIGHT, but you know what i mean… thing.

  10. Lizard says: ^ | 1-15-10 | Jim Hoft

    Democrat Martha Coakley used a photo of the World Trade Center in her latest attack ad against Republican Scott Brown. Did she use the image to suggest that she would be tough on terrorists? No, she used it to represent American greed.

  11. Lizard says:

    Gateway Pundit ^ | 1-16-10 | Jim Hoft

    “If I lived in Massachusetts I’d try to vote 10 times. I don’t know if they’d let me or not but I’d try to. Yeah that’s right. I’d keep these bastards out. I would. Cause that’s exactly what they are.” MSNBC host Ed Schultz said this on his radio program: Maybe this is why he’s one of the Obama Administration’s favorite reporters? Well, he’s not the only one who is willing to cheat for Martha Coakley. So will the SEIU and the local Democratic Party.

  12. Lizard says:

    Chris Matthews Worried There Aren’t Votes for Democrats to Buy in MA Tuesday (typical democrat)

    News Real Blog ^ | Jan. 17, 2010
    Things are looking so bad for Democrats in Tuesday’s special election for the Senate seat vacated by Ted Kennedy that MSNBC’s Chris Matthews is concerned there aren’t any left-leaning votes for his Party to buy. “You know in the old days you’d go back to the people you were sure are going to vote Democrat…you’d get them lunch, you’d get them a car, you’d make sure they got to the polling place, and in some cases you’d be buying people to get them.”

  13. Bob White says:

    Yeah, you are right.

    The Brown campaign for Senate is over.

    The Brown term in office, likely the first of many, will begin after the votes are counted.

  14. Lizard says:

    Bob, don’t count your chickens before they hatch…

    in the words of a progressive hero:

    “He who votes decide nothing. He who counts the votes decides everything.”

  15. Lizard says:

    Intrade numbers on the Coakly vs Brown race

    Intrade shows Coakly at 37.0 and Brown at 63.1

  16. Geezer says:

    Wow. I’ll take Coakley at 2-1 odds. The true odds are nowhere near that long.

  17. A. price says:

    i have a question! why, if they have already voted on the healthcare bill, can the whole thing be thrown off by this tea bag porn star? why does spineless harry still need 60? why why why? (id really like someone to explain it…. not a teabagger.

  18. They need 60 to overcome one more filibuster on the merged bill. Once the conference is over, both the House and the Senate vote on the exact same bill.

    What I’m hearing now is some sort of deal if Coakley loses, the House will vote for the Senate bill as is with the promise that the Senate will pass the changes they’ve negotiated through reconciliation.

  19. A. price says:

    why not just let the bastards filibuster? a filibuster doesn’t mean the bill it dead. it just means they cant go home on time. Honestly, what would be so bad about having the repukes read from the phone book and Dionetics all the while the DCN can report on people who suffer from pack of insurance by the hour while the Right Wing Hate party stalls. the democrats to NOT know how to play the PR game AT ALL.

  20. Biden has started talking about how undemocratic the filibuster has become, see the open thread.

  21. Lizard says:

    Irish bookie pays off Brown bets early
    Washington Times ^

    BOSTON –With 24 hours to go before Massachusetts’ special election for a U.S. Senate seat, an Irish bookie already has paid off bettors who wagered that state Sen. Scott Brown, a conservative Republican, would win the seat held for nearly 50 years by liberal Democratic icon Edward M. Kennedy.

    Enough is enough. It seems that Senator Brown just has to get out of bed tomorrow to win convincingly. As far as were concerned, this race is well and truly over,” said Paddy Power, Irelands largest bookmaker.

    Before shutting down the betting, Mr. Brown had gone from 5-4 odds to 1-5 (meaning if a bettors put down $5, they only stood to make $1 if Mr. Brown wins). The odds against his opponent — Democrat Martha Coakley, the state’s attorney general — soared, from 4-7 to win to 3-1 to lose.