Delaware Liberal

Rethugs Float Newark Developer as Carney Opponent

Bill Stritzinger, whose main claim to fame appears to be trying to build 280 houses on the Newark Country Club site, has been seen making the rounds in Leg Hall, escorted by Monsignor Greg Lavelle, as a prelude to a candidacy against John Carney for the U. S. House of Reps seat. It makes perfect sense for Lavelle. Pushing someone who would turn verdant green space into suburban clutter anywhere else but his own district is right up his alley.

Of course, Stritzinger doesn’t see it that way. He, of course, is merely expanding the City of Newark’s tax base. The gist of the project is that he would build a golf course/residential community just across the state line in Cecil County, MD., and would redevelop the Newark Country Club site for McMansions.

The proposed project, known pejoratively as Stritzingerville, has encountered problems and has raised some serious ethical questions. Nancy Willing wrote about this back in 2008, and it deserves reading now. Stritzinger makes clear in comments before the Cecil County Comprehensive Planning Oversight Committee that sewer requirements are ‘too burdensome and excessive… and lead to higher housing costs’. Right, why do septic when you can just dump waste into the river?

More on the pros and cons of the project from Newark City Councilman Ezra Temko’s website. The comments really flesh out the issues.

Anyway, this appears to be Stritzinger’s sole would-be accomplishment. Rethugs and others are invited to provide others.

If this indeed is the best that the Rethugs can offer, I say, “Bring it on.”

Nothing Delawareans like better than suburban sprawl and greedy developers.

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