Delaware Liberal

Lessons For Democrats

The biggest lesson for Democrats in this race?

Don’t take your base for granted.

If you run on change, deliver it.

As many have been saying, it’s hard to sell the idea that we must have 60 votes if it means Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson control the outcome of every vote.

Democrats, prove you can govern. “We only have 59” is no excuse. Figure it out. Instead of these polite gentleman’s filibuster, have a real filibuster. Make ’em read the phone book.

Democrats, learn to use wedge issues. Make Republicans get up and speak against money for a jobs bill, against financial regulation and against health care for Americans. Wrap it around their necks.

For some reason, Democrats chose the hardest path. Trying bipartisanship with an opposition committed to failure and without telling the American people what was happening.

As far as health care reform goes, I’m with Josh Marshall. Working for a year on health care and then killing it is absolutely the worst option. It won’t help Blue Dogs or progressives. Pass the Senate bill and shove the rest through reconciliation. At least TRY. Show us you care about the issues.

OK, rant off.

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