Delaware Liberal

Hitting Our Children; It’s What We Do

Sometimes I wonder why we keep on having the same discussions over and over again. For instance, Scientific American reports on a new study that says parents and caregivers should “eliminate their use of any physical punishment as a disciplinary measure.”

The study by the American Psychological Association task force “found correlations between physical punishment and an increase in childhood anxiety and depression, an increase in behavioral problems, including aggression, and impaired cognitive development . . .” Who’d have thunk that physically hurting your child could have lasting effects?

I guess we can put this to bed. Well, not exactly.  Psychologist Robert E. Larzelere of Oklahoma State University says that the study is flawed and, “Premature bans against spanking may undermine loving parental authority.” A big WTF there, backward-thinking Oklahoman.

Sadly Learzele is not alone in his medieval thinking. With 90% of US parents using corporal punishment at one point and 70% of the US population approving its use, we have a long way to go.

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