Delaware Liberal

How Biden Decision Screws Dems Statewide

“I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers.”-Blanche DuBois from Tennessee Williams’ “A Streetcar Named Desire”.

So have down-ballot candidates in every election. The top of the ticket drives out the voters, and those further down the ballot benefit or suffer based on who is motivated to vote in any given election cycle.

Now, riddle me this, Batman. With two non-competitive races apparently heading this year’s ballot, how the bleep are the Democrats gonna drive out their voters? No presidential, no gubernatorial, two statewide offices that nobody gives a bleep about, and, frankly, I, for one, couldn’t care less whether the Beaudhisattva gets reelected. And, other than the rabid Archmere groupies, I don’t think most D’s do either. Bottom line: The D’s are in trouble, and are clearly in danger of losing the State House of Representatives. To a large degree, regardless of how good a job a given Rep is doing, if they’re in a swing district, they’re in trouble.

It was always gonna be a difficult landscape for Democrats. With a tanked economy nationally and locally, and people looking for instant solutions, incumbents are vulnerable. And D’s are especially vulnerable as they’ve proven themselves incapable of developing and advancing a coherent message.

The one saving grace was a high-profile Senate race that would drive all the loyalists out. A high-profile race engineered by the Bidenistas with the passive acquiescence of Gov. Chicken  ‘n Dumplings.

I HATE these family dynasties. However, once the deal was cut, the Beaudhisattva was obligated to follow through, and the Bidens were obligated to make it happen. But they didn’t. No doubt Joe will puff out his chest and tell everyone that Beau displayed extraordinary integrity in making this choice. Bullshit. The Beaudhisattva has shrunk in office and, now, has shrunk from it. Time for pere to find fils a nice position in the ‘investment industry’.

For the D’s in the House, you’re gonna have to survive on your own. Acting like Democrats for a change must be Step One. If all that you do this year is cut and cut, you inevitably are cutting services that those most at risk (and most likely to be D’s) want and need. You know that the R’s are just gonna obstruct. Start by making the wealthy pay their fair share by reversing the trend towards a flat tax for the millionaires. Save programs with those $$’s and dare Rethugs to oppose them.

In addition to funding essential programs at the expense of the flat-taxers, and enabling Democrats to run like Democrats, it will also raise taxes on the self-entitled Bidens. Maybe they need to be reminded how the other half lives.

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