Delaware Liberal

The Media Gets A Clue

NBC’s Chuck Todd notices that the Tea Party movement isn’t a “grassroots” movement like it’s been portrayed by the media:

Chuck Todd actually gets this right on Meet The Press. Gregory played a clip of Dick Armey trying to say that the teabaggers represent the “center” of American politics as bizarre as that may sound and it was Chuck Todd who corrected that lie. FOX News grabbed them, promoted them, sent their hosts to caress and nurture them and were the first network in the history of broadcasting to become true political activists that worked to undermine a newly elected president.

(Videotape)FMR. REP. DICK ARMEY (R-TX): This is the broad center of American politics. Look at the polling data. Right now the tea party polls higher than the Republicans and the Democrats. And it is becoming increasingly clear to the electorate out there, and they’re expressing their understanding, it is the Democrat majority in Congress and the president that’s on the liberal fringe and we are on the center. There’s no doubt about it.

TODD: I don’t know they are in the center. I mean when we did our own polling on this it’s clear that the tea party gets a big benefit because there is one news organization that gives them a huge bump all the time. I mean they are favorable among Fox viewers is through the roof and the rest of the country sort of doesn’t know a lot about these folks. But the message of the tea party sort of saying the government doesn’t work, these institutions and we’ve got to shrink the size of government, is tapping into what we were just discussing before which is this — not disgust but sort of this distrust of all institutions that are out there. Government included.

Will the media also admit now that Faux News is a branch of the Republican Party? They also feature several potential Republican presidential candidates on a daily basis and were Scott Brown campaign headquarters during the election. Seriously though, is this what our politics will turn into because of the new court ruling? Will all our candidates now be media stars?

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