Delaware Liberal

What’s Going On With Republicans?

On Wednesday Obama gave a great State of the Union speech. It had been a rough couple of weeks for Democrats, most of it from the Democrats own making. Obama defied the pundits by giving a speech that wasn’t full of apologies, but instead stated that his policies are still right and dared everyone to follow him. What, exactly, happened with Republicans, though? McDonnell gave a rather empty, but not embarrassing, speech yet the Republicans seemed frantic and crazy yesterday – did anyone else notice?

In the State of the Union speech, Obama put Republicans on the spot. They sat on their hands for bank regulations and bank fees. They also sat on their hands for tax cuts. Then a whole bunch of them went into public and whined that Obama is so mean to them. 🙄

So, this all seems like standard politics so far. What else happened? Two Republicans had crazy meltdowns on camera. First it was Judd Gregg who went nuts when asked what programs he would cut (isn’t that fair since they say stopping spending is the way forward):

Andrew Breitbart, a conservative media mogul, went nuts on David Shuster regarding the James O’Keefe teabugger story. Breitbart employed O’Keefe (warning: this video is a shoutfest and painful to watch):

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Republicans also voted against a bipartisan debt commission, against PAYGO rules which they championed and word is that the GOP purity test is going to fail. President Obama’s SOTU speech was good but was it that good? What is going on? Is the pressure of actually maybe having to try to do some governing getting to them?

If Republicans make big gains in November, it won’t be because their policies are popular. It will be because right now the Republicans best friends are dithering and spineless Democrats.

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