Archive for January, 2010

I Feel Like I’ve Been Here Before

Filed in National by on January 19, 2010 56 Comments

If you haven’t read Kevin Drum’s article, please do.  He puts into words exactly how I feel. The striking thing to me, though, is how fast the left has turned on him. Conservatives gave Bush five or six years before they really turned on him, and even then they revolted more against the Republican establishment […]

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Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Filed in National by on January 19, 2010 2 Comments

Banks are angry about the proposed bail-out tax. It’s so unfair! *stomps feet* They’re not just planning to hold their breaths until they turn blue and pass out, though: Wall Street’s main lobbying arm has hired a top Supreme Court litigator to study a possible legal battle against a bank tax proposed by the Obama […]

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Guns For Jesus

Filed in National by on January 19, 2010 5 Comments
Guns For Jesus

A military contractor is writing secret Biblical messages in the weapons going to soldiers. Coded references to New Testament Bible passages about Jesus Christ are inscribed on high-powered rifle sights provided to the United States military by a Michigan company, an ABC News investigation has found. The sights are used by U.S. troops in Iraq […]

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Late Night Music Video: Various Disgraces, by The Blam

Filed in National by on January 18, 2010 0 Comments

[youtube][/youtube] Heard it on an episode of The Office, and my wife immediately purchased it on iTunes. Money well spent, because I’d forgotten about it until this past weekend when I found it on her phone.

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Letters From Haiti

Filed in National by on January 18, 2010 20 Comments
Letters From Haiti

We all have a desire to help the people of Haiti in any way that we can. Joanne Christian used an already scheduled trip to The Dominican Republic to volunteer at a 20 bed hospital in Santo Domingo that was helping 2,000 Haitian victims. At some point, she decided that she should get some names of these people so that their family will know that they got out, although there is a likelihood that some of the people here have died of their injuries, or soon will. Images after the jump.

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I Might Have To Consider Home Schooling

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 18, 2010 90 Comments

Especially since I’m already doing it, since my 7th grader just told me her Social Studies teacher told her that Climate Change was nonsense – which is scary, but becoming oh so predictable.  Seriously, can we just pay these people more so we can get rid of the imbeciles?  When my 7th grader questioned her […]

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Ask Dr. Liberal: Fast Food Edition

Filed in Delaware by on January 18, 2010 19 Comments

Dr. L,

Should I eat a McDonald’s Mac Snack Wrap ™ sandwich?

Greenwood Gourmand

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Health Care Reform: The Back-Up Plan

Filed in National by on January 18, 2010 2 Comments

Apparently the Democrats do have a back-up plan if Coakley loses her race and nudie teabagger Scott Brown becomes the next Senator from Massachusetts: As I noted last week, the House could simply pass the Senate bill unchanged, and Obama could sign reform into law. As recently as last week, a number of high-profile Democrats […]

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Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 18, 2010 20 Comments

It’s Monday and at least some of you get to enjoy a 3-day weekend. The rest of us have to work. So let’s open this thread. The danger of Facebook: Anyone who is tempted to rekindle old romances or start new ones on the internet be warned: Facebook is now being cited in almost 20 […]

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President Obama On Martin Luther King, Jr.

Filed in National by on January 18, 2010 0 Comments

Yesterday President Obama gave a very moving speech on the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. Transcript THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Praise be to God. Let me begin by thanking the entire Vermont Avenue Baptist Church family for welcoming our family here today. It feels like a family. Thank you for making us feel that […]

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Today We Celebrate The Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Filed in National by on January 18, 2010 55 Comments

Today we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. He was a man who had a vision and the gifts to make everyone else not only see the vision as he saw it but to believe that it was possible. Although Dr. King was taken from us much too young, his beautiful words resonate […]

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Late Night Music Video: Deeper Shade Of Soul, by Urban Dance Squad

Filed in National by on January 17, 2010 1 Comment

Old School. [youtube][/youtube]

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Tea Parties Organize To Take Control

Filed in National by on January 17, 2010 8 Comments

The one thing you have to give the Right credit is their ability to play the long game.  They are quite happy to chip away at policy they don’t like and seem to understand that baby steps are still, indeed, steps. Steve Benen lays it out, and we need to pay attention. The Tea Party […]

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