Archive for January, 2010

MLK Day Commemoration Project at WaPo

Filed in National by on January 17, 2010 1 Comment

The Washington Post is running a project now asking people to share what of Martin Luther King’s words move you the most. They are looking for you to record your response and to upload it to You Tube, where they’ll post up on their website selected entries.

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Santorum Considers Tossing His Hat In The Ring

Filed in National by on January 17, 2010 11 Comments

Via CNN: In an e-mail and letter to supporters of his Political Action Committee, America’s Foundation, Santorum writes, “After talking it over with my wife Karen and our kids – I am considering putting my name in for the 2012 presidential race.” “I’m convinced that conservatives need a candidate who will not only stand up […]

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Will The Real Mike Castle Please Stand Up?

Filed in National by on January 17, 2010 9 Comments

Mike Castle is trying to have things both ways. He’s trying to reassure the rightwing the he’s their guy while trying to maintain his cred as a moderate Republican. Even the News Journal doesn’t really know what to think, running an article in Saturday’s paper with the headline: “Castle’s Moderate Reputation Questioned”. The subtitle of […]

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Late Night Humor: Mike Castle Shoop Da Whoop

Filed in Delaware by on January 16, 2010 0 Comments
Late Night Humor: Mike Castle Shoop Da Whoop

Yeah, it’s a meme. Google “shoop da whoop”. Original photo credit: Washington Post

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Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 16, 2010 11 Comments

It’s time for your open thread. Hopefully this will be enough to tide you through the weekend. Satan writes a letter to Pat Robertson: Dear Pat Robertson, I know that you know that all press is good press, so I appreciate the shout-out. And you make God look like a big mean bully who kicks […]

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I heart Cory Booker

Filed in National by on January 16, 2010 2 Comments

From Newark, New Jersey mayor Cory Booker’s Twitter feed: @kamori07 Again, sorry bout the wait. Its a busy night in the city – I wish u & your family the best & I hope u still get the laundry done Stay there I am coming now myself. RT @kamori07 lets talk police response! I’m on […]

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Rethugs Float Newark Developer as Carney Opponent

Filed in National by on January 16, 2010 3 Comments

Bill Stritzinger, whose main claim to fame appears to be trying to build 280 houses on the Newark Country Club site, has been seen making the rounds in Leg Hall, escorted by Monsignor Greg Lavelle, as a prelude to a candidacy against John Carney for the U. S. House of Reps seat. It makes perfect […]

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January Cattle Call

Filed in National by on January 16, 2010 26 Comments
January Cattle Call

The Calendar tells me that it is 2010. But the real important date is July 30, 2010. That is the filing deadline. And until then we really will not know officially who is running for what when. But let’s play our game anyway. The game is rampant and unsourced speculation.

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Thanks, Tom Carper!

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 16, 2010 7 Comments

The pharmaceutical industry lobbying group PHARMA is threatening to pull its support for the health care reform legislation because of a change in the health care bill. The drug industry is threatening to end its support for President Barack Obama’s health overhaul effort because of a rift with the administration over protecting brand-name biotech drugs […]

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Ask Dr. Liberal: What’s Up With Obama?

Filed in Delaware by on January 16, 2010 59 Comments

Dear Dr. Liberal,

Am I right to be mad at Barack Obama for selling out to all the Democratic douchnozzles and Republicans fucktards in Congress? He does seem to have squandered the victory that we delivered to him in November and some of my liberal friends have already jumped off the bus.

Wondering in Wilmington

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The 2010 62 District Strategy

Filed in National by on January 15, 2010 47 Comments
The 2010 62 District Strategy

The 62 District Strategy was a success in 2008, resulting in Democrats taking back the House and increasing their majority in the Senate. In 2004 in the Senate, we did not challenge Charlie Copeland or Liane Sorenson for their reelections. In 2006, we left Dori Connor coast to reelection without an opponent. In 2008, we […]

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Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 15, 2010 20 Comments

TGIF! It’s a planet-wide edition of your open thread. Jim Inhofe declares himself #1! Inhofe suffered his latest indignity at the hands of Rolling Stone, which awarded him the 7th spot on its list of the “planet’s worst enemies.” Inhofe took this as a slight. “I should have been number one,” he told KFAQ radio […]

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Bulo’s Music for the Masses: R. I. P. Bobby Charles

Filed in National by on January 15, 2010 1 Comment

Far too many of these lately. But I do these tributes so that people remember, or perhaps learn for the first time, about the special musical legacies these artists have left behind. Bobby Charles, actually Robert Charles Guidry, was a Cajun who was first inspired by Fats Domino and who helped to create that wonderful […]

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