Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen testified in front of Congress yesterday and urged repeal of DADT. John McCain disagreed with Mullen and also disagreed with 2006 John McCain:
McCain communications director Brooke Buchanan says her boss has not, in fact, shifted his position on the controversial issue.
She notes that Mullen said repeatedly that he was speaking for himself, personally, not for the military. And she dismissed Gates’s testimony because he was delivering the Obama administration’s line.
“One person, speaking individually, not on behalf of the Navy at all, is not going to change Senator McCain’s position,” Buchanan said. “There has to be a determination from our military leaders that they think it is a good idea to change the policy. Then of course Senator McCain will listen to them.”
The most recent poll in Arizona had McCain’s approval rating at a feeble 40% and wingnut J.D. Hayworth is gaining on McCain in the polls for the Republican primary.
Extra bonus McCain:
Cindy McCain supports same sex marriage (as does Meghan McCain). She did an ad for the “No on 8” campaign supporting repeal of Prop 8 in California.