Delaware Liberal will be providing complete coverage of the End of the World, er ah, the Blizzard of 2010, or ah, Snowpocalypse II: The Return, or as I like to call it …..

It looks like Sussex County will be completely destroyed. Look at these totals from the various computer models for Georgetown, DE:
43 inches??? Over 4 feet of snow? Nah, not possible, right? Here are the predicted totals for the region from Philly Weather, along with the posted watches and warnings map:
Tomorrow, I will be updating this post throughout the day, and our Delaware Liberal band of misfits will be on Twitter, because we are always on Twitter, so we might as well talk about the Snowgasm on Twitter.
Unstable Isotope
Nemski .
You can also follow Del_Editor for the very latest from the News Journal. And Governor Markell has himself Tweeted that we all should follow DEStormInfo on Twitter. You can also follow all the Snowgasm events at the hashtag #delsnow.
Here are some other useful links:
Philadelphia Weather Blog
Delaware Online / News Journal
Weather Channel
NOAA / National Weather Service
Weather Underground
Here are some pictures from a Seaford supermarket from our friend ‘thatsElbert.’ (Via Twitter)
DelDem-I hit both the Costco and Acme on the way home from work ( a pre-planned visit from earlier in the week) and it was a zoo in both places!
AWESOME! Bread + Milk + Eggs = French Toast
I’m sending my husband to the store tomorrow during the day since he’s off. Luckily we don’t need eggs or bread!
I am going to the store very early (hopefully the liquor store is open before 9 am). Then I am working from home the rest of the day.
Forget it, bitches, I bought every gallon of milk in Brandywine Hundred. How will we all survive?
I don’t tweet (what is the past-tense of tweet?) but I will post on-line here and on my blog how Rehoboth and the rest of the Cape Region is waiting for Dennis Quaid to come and rescue us (quick – who can name the movie?).
Yo Another Mike,
Did you buy up all the powdered milk ,too?
Did you at least leave some soy milk or Rice Dream?
We’re all ready. May play hob with driving to Philly tomorrow evening to watch dance classes though, lol.
I lived in the snow belt in Buffalo. Snow doesn’t scare me, but Delaware drivers and general preparedness does, lol.
Day After Tomorrow, MJ. I would be more worried about the massive tsunami like storm surge
Don’t forget to check on the older folks in your family and your neighborhood before and during the storm. Offer to pick up some groceries for them tomorrow, ask them if they have their medicines, make sure their heat is on, and shovel for them if you can.
Have heard that flights are being canceled now — so if you are planning to escape this snowpocalypse, you might not be able to get out.
I’m on Twitter as CTMinDE but I’m not especially good at it.
Make sure you charge up camera batteries so you can share pictures!
Ist anon again–just got back from the liquor store 🙂
1st anon — I avoided the milk and bread rush in favor of dinner at Kooma and a wine raid at Veritas. Unfortunately, will have to go to the store for a couple of elderly neighbors in the AM, tho.
We’re the only full-time owners in our development, but it looks like a few others are already down here, so it might be interesting. Already planning menus, too (tomorrow night, corn flake breaded tilapia with pasta, Saturday night – chicken stir fry). And I have plenty of chicken soup and matzo balls in the freezer.
DD – I’m about 7 blocks from the beach – the canal will save me from any storm surge.
I wish my neighbors were gay.
Jason – how do you know they aren’t?
They aren’t MJ gay, so what’s the point?
Thank you. I’ll make up another batch of soup and send it you and a few others. It’s the best chicken soup in the DelMarVa.
i live in the 15th floor. i shall be watching the devastation from my castle in the sky mwahahahahaha
2 generators
1 solar panel
1 wood stove
1 pellet stove (w/battery back-up)
1 gorgeous wife
1 case of whiskey
Bring it.
At least the snow covering will make the groundhogs safer.
I’m off to the store this morning, and am embarrassed to admit that I actually need milk and eggs.
Sacrificing bread and milk causes the Delaware Gods to make the snow go away.
I’m told that in Virginia Beach, on those rare occasions when a big snow is predicted (9 inches last weekend almost all gone by Tuesday), the local custom is to buy all the Dinty Moore.
Dinty Moore Beef Stew. Mmmmm that sounds good. I am making Lasagna today, and pizza tomorrow.
I have just come from the Super G on Concord Pike and it is well stocked and not that busy yet. I suppose the schools are closed, since there were some Moms there with kids in tow.
I just got back from the Trolley Square Acme. It was pretty empty when I got there – and amazingly well stocked – but it was getting crowded as I was checking out.
My kids are in school, but the District told parents to be prepared for an early dismissal.
Okay, I have food, alcohol and a stack of seasoned wood. I’m ready!
The high amount of snow we have received this winter is obviously connected to the global warming.I’m willing to bet one of you geniuses in here can explain why. Pandora?
Oh great, another genius who doesn’t know the difference between weather and climate.
The high snowfall this year is related to the strong El Nino, which brings higher than normal precipitation to the U.S. in general. The long cold spell in Dec./Jan. was caused by an unusual Arctic Oscillation.
BTW, I can’t wait for FBH to tell us he didn’t mean what what he wrote.
Fighting Blue Hen: the consequence of global warming is climate change, not that everyplace everywhere gets hot. Climate change means stronger El Ninos, different weather patterns, more precipitation. Only stone cold idiots say when they see a lot of snow: “hehehehe, those stupid liberals were wrong about global warming.”
UI i mean everything i write.You people just misquote and twist like the cheaters and liars that you are.
UI i studied climatology at the U of D.
Dr John R Mather was the head of the department.He was also the Delaware state climatologist.
“i studied climatology at the U of D.”
And pretty clearly didn’t learn much.
Hey i’m not the one connecting short term weather patterns to climate change.You people are the ones doing that.
Then you should know that global encompasses more than your backyard.
Geez, it’s like people who only consider an active hurricane season one that only counts the number of hurricanes that hit American cities.
You’d have learned more about climate studying with Cotton Mather than with John Mather.
Pandora nobody said it didn’t. i just thought it would be funny to hear explanations about how it does.
DR John Mather one of the top in his field in the day.
I apologize for that crack. Inappropriate and not funny. 🙁
And I regretted it before you responded but didn’t make it back in time to edit. I’m sorry.
Excuse me pandora ,but the libs are the ones who used the New Orleans hurricane as the final answer on global warming.
Well, now that we have heard from the climate change deniers, we can move on to storm stories and updates.
I hope John Atkins doesn’t get snowed in with a bottle of Whiskey and his wife.
Is it called Global Warming or Climate Change? UI, Dl’s main contributor, can you tell me?
As usual just like clock work.Delaware Dem please tell me what statement i made that would lead you to believe that i don’t believe that the climate changes.
Spoke with friends and family in Fenwick – no snow yet! They say Harris Teeter is packed.
clear and actually a little bit of sun right now.
Please back this assertion with evidence. Show me where a DL contributor has said Hurricane Katrina is the final answer on global warming.
I don’t know if the scientific community really agrees on what to call it – I’ve seen both climate change and AGW (anthropogenic global warming).
Peanut M&M’s–check
Lost and 24 on DVR–check
I’m good 🙂
Tomorrow is my birthday *sigh*. Thanks for the present Mother Nature.
So, I called school in Philly to ask whether classes tonight are still on. The office a) doesn’t know, b) doesn’t know when they’ll know, c) doesn’t know what their school number is, when it’s reported on the radio, d) rather resents being asked.
I hope we have 4 feet of snow by 4 pm. Today will not be a good day for them if I get there.
F*cking Blue Hen, tell me, if you are not denying climate change, then what is your point? You either accept the scientific consensus, or you deny it. And yes, I don’t recall ever saying Katrina was “the final nail in the coffin” that proves global warming. I think increasingly devastating hurricanes are evidence of a symptom of climate change, but no more than droughts or any other change in a weather pattern.
Brooke, it is Philly, the city. They hardly ever shut down.
For the Washington DC Metro area –
Status – The Federal Government will be open in the morning operating under an unscheduled leave policy with a planned 4 hour early dismissal.
Employees reporting for work should be dismissed by their agencies 4 hours earlier than their normal departure time from work.
This is my agency at work. They actually announced the liberal leave yesterday afternoon around 2:00 PM.
Snow coming? Well there goes the satellite, here in the swamps of Townsend. See you in the Spring–but if someone does a flyover, please drop chocolate–for the sake of my family. Thank you.
Brandywine School District has just posted on their website that schools will be dismissed at their normal times today. All after school activities were canceled last night.
LOL! As I was typing this I got a call from BSD informing me of the same thing. This district is really on top of things!
Appoquinimink has a message on its website to check back later in the day.
Red Clay and Christina (via website) are dismissing early.
Colonial… I couldn’t find any message about closings or the weather.
If it was a city school, I’d be with you, DD. It’s a private school and they close in clear weather for utterly random reasons. *I* know they won’t be there tonight. THEY know they won’t be there tonight. They just like to toy with us. Why not? They already have the tuition money.
When any Philly sports team wins, or even plays a big game, they close due to confetti.
Just across the wire, Sussex County libraries close at 5PM.
It is a chilly 67 degrees in the bathroom right now. That means climate change is a liberal hoax. Viva coal burning power plants. Spending the day in my underwear is a GAWD GIVEN RIGHT. Look it up.
Good one geek. ha ha
my friend in Baltimore says it’s already snowing, so we’re on our way.
New Castle County Libraries closing at 5 today and will remain closed both Saturday and Sunday according to the County’s facebook page….
Here’s a link to schools closings in the state –
Latest forecast for LSD is anywhere from 14-20 inches of snow by tomorrow night. That’s for the Georgetown-Milford area.
FBH, I’m guessing you didn’t know that there were libraries in Sussex? 🙂
Seriously, I’m on the Sussex press release list, and that had just come across…
Not sure if anyone here has seen this, but it’s great –
Over an inch here in Sussex already. Plenty of whiskey and ammo left. Come on down!
Wind and rain in Virginia Beach.
Gosh, I miss Delaware. But not, however, my snow shovel.
Snow is steady and moderate right now. We probably have an inch on the ground. Just started sticking to the parking lot about an hour ago.