19″ in Newark, 16″ in Edgmoor, 18″ in Claymont. Sustained winds of 30 mph or more. Power outages everywhere, with reports of over 56,000 in Sussex and Cape May County, and 24,500 from Delmarva. Thundersnow is being reported. Stranded cars on Rt. 7 offramp from 95. Travel has been banned everywhere. If you drive and you are not a police officer, a firefighter, a doctor, or other essential personnel, you not only will be stranded with your life at risk, you will also be arrested.
This Blizzard appears to be much worse than the December storm, and is on par with the Great Blizzard of 96.
Here is the latest from Twitter:
Reminder, DE State of Emergency remains in effect…only essential workers should be traveling
Del Coop. Please fix our electric. 4 kids stuck in house with no electric. I am praying for us all
Latest traffic incident numbers statewide since start of event: 96 disabled vehicles, 3 injury crashes, and 39 prop damage crashes
@WDEL: Shelters are open at Odessa Fire Hall, Sussex Central HS and Dover HS.
DEMA reports two poultry company tractor-trailers have turned sideways on Rt. 24 in Sussex County and are blocking the road.
The tree branch has been wanting fall since the ’94 ice storm.
WDEL listener reports she saw 7 or 8 cars stranded on the Rt 7N off-ramp from 95S.
Taking bets on which rooftops are gonna collapse. #delsnow < -- gonna happen ! We have well so no water or heat! No coffee No shower! No TV! Tree limbs touching ground. Crews are on the roads, plowing, and fighting against the snow and the wind. 13 and a half inches in Middletown at 7:20 @del_editor snowfall totals #delsnow / wow and we're not done yet! 19 inches so far in Newark. #delsnow Yeah, power just came back on in Seaford!!
Here is the latest forecast:
Update: Governor Markell has declared a state of emergency, so no more driving until Sunday. We are now officially trapped indoors. Operation Cabin Fever commences.
Governor Jack Markell declared a State of Emergency covering the entire state of Delaware effective at 8:00 pm today, with vehicles ordered off the roads as of 10 p.m. Conditions are expected to intensify with heavy snowfall and strong winds that will make driving exceptionally dangerous. Given the anticipated strength of this storm, DelDOT crews are expected to concentrate on major arteries for plowing, initially leaving many secondary roads unattended.
As of 10 p.m. tonight and until further notice, the emergency declaration allows only emergency vehicles and essential personnel on the roads until further notice. The Governor will evaluate the conditions of the roads after the storm passes on Saturday morning to determine how long this restriction will remain in place. Private sector businesses are strongly urged to consider the safety of their employees and the restriction of travel during the storm when deciding whether to remain operating. Abandoned vehicles will be towed at the ownerโs expense.
Follow the Blizzard on Twitter
DEStormInfo on Twitter.
Here are some other useful links:
Philadelphia Weather Blog
Delaware Online / News Journal
Weather Channel
NOAA / National Weather Service
Weather Underground
OK — there’s a few flakes swirling around out here in Chadds Ford. So apparently rush hour is going to be fun.
Snow starting in West Grove PA. Guess it’s headed south.
I want my snow, dammit.
no snowgasm yet in center city wilmington. went to the store around 3….. people are insane.
Flurries here in Edgemoor.
Flurries just started in the city. Hooray!
Wonder how big a dent this is going to put in the state budget?
how is it getting burried? just change the time stamp and move it up on top of all of UI’s other posts.
Extremely light snow finally in Rehoboth
DV, the thread also had 63 comments at last check, so it was time for a new thread.
you have a 63 comment limit now?
snowing more heavily now in Edgemoor. Small flakes though, which is good for shoveling tomorrow.
Ah, DV. Still the annoying son of a bitch we all know and love. ๐
you guys are really getting strict ๐
They’re also slipping. I mean, where’s the snow at DL?
UI is only one woman a1, she can only carry so much dead weight
DV your comments are bordering on strange.
Snowgasm check list:
– cuddlebuddy
– alcohol
– fully charged nook (e-book reader)
– laptop
I’m ready!!!!
I’m at the obligatory martini offering that we do before the apocalypse. Really awesome to work for an office that used any excuse for a party!
Definitely snowing here, but it is wet and melting.
Yeah, nothing is sticking, but still snowing.
cute girlfriend
so apparently Sarah Palin is a hypocritical demagogue who’s every opinion is a carefully crafted political move.
even when it comes to her disabled child…… she is a beast.
The Limbaugh limbo is on. Her cowering and sniveling is really pretty funny.
Yeah, I saw that.
When Rahm says “retarded” – Sarah says FIRE RAHM!!!!
When Limbaugh says “retarded” (multiple times) – *crickets*
i feel bat for her exploited kids.. at least trip, or trig, trap, or whatever his name is, is lucky he doesn’t have the cognitive skills to understand what a horrid soulless person his mom is.
Ouch A.price. We have no idea that child’s cognitive skills. Indeed, many downs syndrome children (which is the what Trig has, I believe) can function very well.
“cute girlfriend
So, I gather you have to get her drunk before she’ll have dinner with you?
State of emergency has been declared in Delaware:
I want my 12 inches. I mean…uh.. forget it.
Roads are NOT good in suburbs off 202 in North Wilmington currently. Don’t go out unless you need to.
Ditto for Marsh Road and Shipley Road down towards the Washington Street Extension.
ok, maybe it was a little wrong to say that about trig. but i hope he doesn’t realize what his own mother is doing to him.
miscreant, no. im a pretty good cook. but we both have quite a taste for the drink. specifically SoCo and cherry soda
No problem, A. Price.
Hey it’s snowing at DL! Thanks!
Snow is starting to stick to the roads here. Thank G-D that the Double L is only a block away (if we want to go out for a drink). No storm is big enough to keep us gays from having a drink out. ๐
Jason – 12 inches? I can help with 8. ๐
Oh dear Lord.
Thanks for the DL snow!
Wow, they just plowed our street. The city must be trying to stay ahead of this storm. I guess practice makes perfect!
philly reserved 0$ for snow removal this year……. yay delaware!
The kos breakdown of the Coons/Castle race is pretty good.
he gets the Delaware stuff right, which is rare.
Yeah, I am writing that up right now, Jason. He gets it mostly right. Biden, for example, was never NCCO Executive. He was a councilman.
Love the link to wacko O’Donnell. Funny how she references Politically Incorrect with Bill Mahr – hasn’t that been off the air for 7-8 years now? And she’s a regular contributor to the show?
Bill Maher is still on HBO, but I don’t think that show is called Politically Incorrect.
DD – And she has never been on his new show (I’ve seen all of them). Her website cites the show on ABC.
On a lighter, snowgasm note, the Washington Post is running this public service piece –
Back during the Blizzard of 96, when I was in college at GW, we had a snowball fight on the Ellipse, with the White House in the background. And we could see Chelsea and Bill having a snow ball fight on the White House lawn. That was pretty awesome.
later, bill had a snowball with monica
So far, 7+ inches of heavy snow, not like the powder we had last week. It’s coming down like a sumbitch. I’ve been out twice to knock snow off the satellite dish. I won’t see a snow plow for 2 days. Fortunately, our nearest neighbor is a dairy farmer. Last week they plowed the road, and still had to tow the tank truck in to get the milk. We don’t usually get much traffic on this road, but it’s eerie to see none at all.
Good times.
knee deep snow – still have electricity, who knows how long.
All the tress are full of snow and I had to go out and rescue my pussy willows by shaking the snow off of them.
My lights are starting to flicker – i am off to bed..
Power has been out since 4:00 AM. On generator. The Delaware Electric COOP power outage map looks like a Christmas tree. Their map shows 25,140 customers without power. We don’t even appear to be on their list of things to do.
Oh my GOD! I just woke up to complete destruction. 16 inches in the front yard. Complete whiteout conditions. But we still have power.
25,140 customers without power, Well that is serious. Thanks for being a buzz cramp as I sit next to my more ornamental than heat producing bourgeoisie cracklin’ fire.
LOL. Get shoveling Jason.
According the it is supposed to keep snowing through 8:00 pm. I think I’ll wait.
Not doing much right now here in Rehoboth. Windy as all hell. Someone came and plowed our parking lot in the middle of the night. Looks like we have about 8 inches.
And a.price – I believe that was a pearl necklace.
Does your type do that?
Or do you guys give topaz necklaces?
Oh my.
Latest snow totals:
I looked outside and it doesn’t look like 19″ to me but it’s hard to tell because of the drifting. We do have some bare spots in the yard though. So far no trouble with the power here.
Whoa! UI rick rolled me to the News Journal. Now I have to get rid of this laptop.
Good morning,
It’s nice to come and have some contact with the outside world. The wind has blown the snow all over the outside of my office windows so it’s like being in an igloo. Kinda fun as long as the power lasts.
So cassandra and pandora, what are you cooking today?
back in from shoveling – very wet, slushy snow. I put down a layer of ice melt when it began snowing yesterday which helped with the shoveling. Now, does anyone want to send their kids over here to do the rest for us?
Tree limb crushed the roof of my gazebo.
At last,some action.
To the over 40 crowd–please remember to take an aspirin or two before engaging in the newly discovered winter sport of shoveling. I wouldn’t want your bleeding hearts to come to a complete standstill:).
LOL. Love the bleeding heart thing, Joanne. Hope you and yours are safe and warm
LOL. Burris is funny when he wants to be:
DelDem, where is that sign?
we are up to 70! 70 posts! get a new one up already!~
DV, get your ass down Shipley to shovel my sidewalk. ๐
Anon, Ashbury, Virginia. Thought it was hysterical so I had to post.
I was called to work last PM w/ one child in tow, and a student who has a broken nose that I know in time needs to be seen. Right now, the snow is serving as a valuable molded icepack. I can’t believe my comments are getting thru–I usually can’t from this site! Ruh Roh–security breach!!!!! Oh and ACTs did go on!!!
Appo was famous at work yesterday at 3:30. Maybe infamous.
I guess our multiple offerings to the Martini gods were really successful — I can’t tell how much snow there is in my neck of Wilmington, but the snow has covered up the first pane and a half of the french door to the patio. I’m thinking I should go out to shovel soon, tho.
Not sure about cooking yet, Rebecca, but there are good options in play. Will report on the selection later on!
From the City of Philadelphia — New Rules: Shoveling Snow:
I am running around on lunatic patrol. My parents, both well into their 80’s, are worried about feeding the birds and want to go out and shovel. There is much tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth going on here. Being the grown-up can be difficult, but you guys with kids already know that. ;o)
Should I tell y’all that up here in the Poconos we got a whopping three inches of snow?
AP: “Obama calls capital’s blizzard `Snowmageddon'”
Miscreant – sorry to hear about the damage. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help when repairs need to be done.
โObama calls capitalโs blizzard `Snowmageddonโโ Fire up the Fox News Faux Outrage machine.
My agency is on top of things – LOL
I thought you got booted for union rabblerousing.
MJ, Thanks. I really appreciate the offer. If I can get my Airstream out of the driveway by Tues/Wed, we’re going south for Mardi Gras. Al construction projects are on hold until spring.
Really snowed in! Drifts against all outside doors. Living in a cocoon of snow. I see no cars on the roads or plows for that matter.
When our tankless hot water heater went out suddenly, Mrs. Liberal speculated that the vent was blocked by snow, which was exactly what happened. (The tankless hot water heater was a great investment BTW. If anyone is considering it, I’d encourage you to get rid of the tank.)
Jason, we got one 2 years ago and knocked about 30% off our propane and electric bills.
Does anyone know what Boo Gah is talking about?
Blizzard of “96 still worse.
I dunno about that, Joanne. ’96 and ’10 are now in direct competition as the worst blizzards of our lives at least.
96 was good. We were living in DC at the time. No cars on the street for two days. Total pedestrian, bar hoping 30-something, not yet parents paradise.
Coincidently our childless days ended 9 moths after that storm.
I was living in Philly–34 inches in Manayunk. PA turnpike closed. Life stood still. This, I feel like we’re shoveling out–it’s alot, but we’re moving it.
I’m still thinking 1978 was pretty bad also. I remember being out of school for a whole week
It’s still snowing here, harder than anytime during the entire storm. Maybe 2-3 inches per hour, a complete whiteout. Wondering why the National Weather Service refers to it as “freezing fog”. Still no electric, but plenty of whiskey.
Mis–what you are experiencing now is the last serious snow band of the storm. We had that at around 1-2 pm, and it dumped another 8 inches on us. But once it ends, the storm is over.
Mark…in 1978 I was 2 years old. I have pictures of me in that storm, but since I was so young, I can’t compare.
Yup 1978 was bad also. 1996, I remember so much school was missed, the kids days were extended for the rest of the year to make up for the lost time–since all snow days were lost also, and school would have had to go well into the summer.
Note to DelDem–I feel vindicated–my “favorite Democrat” Ed Rendell was just on the news, and he agrees with me, that 1996 was worse (so far). Same reason–this snow has been easier to move, the temperature is warmer, and we weren’t caught by surprise. I just love that man, and would vote him to anything.
Well, I wasn’t in DE or Philly for 96, I was in DC, so I guess I can’t comment. I do remember Philly dumping the snow in the river, so it was bad in 96.
And I have heard rumors that Rendell may run for Philly mayor again once he is done with the Governorship in 11.
Sure you can comment–what was Mayor Berry doing then?:)
Rendell sure has the energy to be mayor again.
All I remember about 96 was being stranded at the jail (where I worked) for a few days ๐
up to my crotch in snow when I went outside to clean off the dish. Power gone since 3am – just came back on. In house temp was only about 50 degrees – running every heater we have. Can;t leave here because of the dogs. My dearly beleoved has been at work at the prison (Maintenace) since yesterday, won’t see her until tomorrow or the day after.
Lost many tress along the driveway, rescued the pussy willows FOR NOW. Have to take the ax to an old pine tree tomorrow so we can see if we can get the driveway clear. Know anybody in Sussex with a plow? Willing to pay – we have 300 feet!
No global warming here
It has finally stopped snowing in Rehoboth. We have 2 foot high drifts in our parking lot and our cars are encased in snow and ice. See you all in July.
I was also in DC in 96 – went out that night and took the Metro home. It got stuck between the Brookland and Takoma Park stations, right after I got off of it. And the streets didn’t get plowed because Marion thought the stuff falling from the sky was “snow.”
Oh, the reason that Blizzard in 96 in DC was so horrible is because that drug felon Marion Barry ordered that the Northwest section of DC will not be plowed out of revenge for that district not voting for him in the previous election.
So is it all coming back to you now DD? MJ’s gonna help…..
“No global warming here”
another turd of wisdom from tom S
did anyone watch the teaparty convention coverage? as if the 8 feet of snow wasn’t reason enough to drink.
“When our tankless hot water heater went out suddenly, Mrs. Liberal speculated that the vent was blocked by snow, which was exactly what happened. (The tankless hot water heater was a great investment BTW. If anyone is considering it, Iโd encourage you to get rid of the tank.)”
Jason, you’re lucky to have a smart, strong woman to take care of you, and compensate for your ineptitude.
I’m patiently waiting for my tank to die so we can go tankless. It’ll probably last forever, but if it doesn’t kick the bucket soon, it goes before a death panel. The best investment I made this year was the Honda EU200i generator that has been powering my pellet stove, lights, HDTV, satellite dish, cable, and the computer I’m using now… for the past 23 hours.
“Jason, youโre lucky to have a smart, strong woman to take care of you, and compensate for your ineptitude.”
Don’t I know it.
Does anyone in dover de know if shelters were open yesterday for people who have no power to their home?
Mrs Smith, I believe Dover High School was open for that purpose (and I believe they still are) The National Guard was picking people up who needed transportation
Hey Miscreant..How much did you pay for that gen? I can’t find a price on the web for it new (I’ve seen a used one for $600)
Mrs. Smith, as far as I know there were shelters open yesterday. I don’t know if there were any in Dover.
Check with Mayberry’s in NJ. They had the best price I could find, $890 shipped if I recall. It’s quiet-63 decibels, and the inverter technology supplies cleaner power for sensitive electronics than your electric company. You have to call for the price. Honda won’t let its retailers to post prices on the internet.
Our power is still out (31 hours), the road hasn’t been plowed, and I have enough gas for maybe about 16 more hours.
Kent County Shelters
Dover High School
1 Pat Lynn Drive
Milford Middle School
612 Lakeview Ave.
Milford, DE 19963
If you need transportation to a shelter in Kent County, contact the Kent County Emergency Operations Center at (302) 735-3465.
Fellow Blogger, Howard, from the Delmar Dustpan lost his home in a fire Friday night. No injuries. Link to a blog post about it:
Update: Snow including drifts exceeded 2 feet for sure. I had to take a saw and ax down the driveway and cut quite a few branches. The Ole pine tree had to go all the way, it was hanging across the driveway. My Dearly Beloved finally made it home at 4pm just to go back out at 8pm because she is on call and heat seems to be a problem at SCI. SUCKS! This will being her working hours to over 80 hours this week. HOWEVER, she brought the 4-wheeler home and drove up and down the driveway (after i hand shoveled a 2 foot wide ditch to walk in, 2 feet deep, 150 feet long!!!!! Took me hours. Oh well. Hope she will be back soon.
Power stayed on, internet is working, my back and arms are killing me from shoveling snow – I am pooped.
So how are you all doing so far?
Sorry to hear about your predicament, Suzanne. 80 hours a week sucks. I hope she’s compensated. I heard my former agency (via Markell)has banned overtime pay, even when the funds are provided by grants and outside agencies or entities. Doesn’t make sense. I hope Corrections was able to get around that.
We’re still without power since 4:00 AM Saturday, DelDOT hasn’t plowed the road. Spent hours shoveling driveway for when they eventually plow. We’re using a generator to power the pellet stove, charge the laptop and cell phones, and a few lights. I’ve followed the Delaware COOP outage map online, and we’re not on it.
Other than that, life is good.
Mis, my wife works for Corrections and they haven’t banned overtime pay yet ๐ I know of a few agencies that are requiring people normally compensated in cash for overtime to take comp time instead.
80 hours in a week does suck and is especially worse when you have to do extra work just to get there.
I’m working from home today — my way cool neighbors actually shoveled out my car, but since the alleyway still have mostly 20+ inches of snow, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. Plus I hear there is another nor’easter with our name on it coming Weds just in time to possibly wipe out a business trip.
What always amazed me about snowstorms and workdays–people who worked day hours were always granted “I’m going to be late”–and people stayed to cover them. People who worked nights, it was always “you better come in early, so you get in here, and I get out”….as if the night shifter doesn’t have to sleep, and be allowed to wake up to discover snowfall started in the afternoon or evening. Oh the world according to 9-5. Hey, maybe that’s what’s started me on alternative thinking.
Joanne, as a 10 year veteran (I now work much saner hours) of the Midnight to Eight shift at the jail I get what you’re saying. The toughest part was explaining to my first wife how 8 in the morning was my 4:00 pm and if I wanted a beer ๐ at that time why bother me ๐
I remember many a late shift as the snow started knowing I’d be there an extra 8 hours or so.
Yup, we opened the bars, not closed ’em:)!!
What bothers me isn’t so much that she had to stay over – we figured that. What bothers me is the fact that not all were called back in and that some left even though there was a State of Emergency and they aren’t supposed to leave – all or none – you shouldn’t have only a handful of people carry all the weight.
But then there are always those few people that think they are better and more important than the rest. . .
As luck would have it, my Stephen King book came in the mail today, about 4 days too late ๐
I assume that it is Under the Dome… An excellent read if you are going to be stuck in your town for an extended period of time (assuming that you don’t have crazy-ass neighbors…). Better Stephen King book for this weather, The Shining.
Yes, LG it is….I’m about 1/4 of the way through and I might be up late reading/finishing it ๐
REDRUM REDRUM Yeah talk about cabin fever
It’s snowing in Wilmington.