SNOWGASM: Day After Tomorrow Movie Comes to Life

Filed in National by on February 6, 2010

Look at these updated snowfall predictions from the National Weather Service:

We will be approaching 30 inches here in New Castle County. Complete Apocalypse.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Kick ass map.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Officially there is already 20 inches of snow in Wilmington and that looks true if my back deck is any indication. Have also just heard that the police are stopping people and actually sending them home if they are not essential personnel. No idea how THAT works, but for anybody thinking of making a beer run, a thing to consider.

    That is a great map.

  3. Jason330 says:

    Still snowing like mad here. This is truly bizarre.

  4. anon says:

    I’m staying home. I don’t want to be certified as non-essential.

  5. I know I’m non-essential. My husband wants to go outside to fill the bird feeder.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    We had a birthday party planned in Delaware, but Rt. 1 in inpassable, as is 495. And my car is completely buried, as shown below. So I am stuck here until spring.

  7. V says:

    my dad is outside shoveling our driveway in his one-piece ski suit from 1986. it’s kind of amazing.

  8. Mark H says:

    send him my way πŸ™‚ Down here in Dover the kids aren’t even outside yet.

  9. When I went outside to fill the bird feeder, I measured the snow. It ranged from 8″ to 14″

  10. Jason330 says:

    3:44 all done.

  11. Delaware Dem says:

    I just finished digging out the cars above. My condo complex takes care of roads, which is a Godsend (but heh, I pay for it too).

    I think I suffered two heart attacks. Need beer.

  12. cassandra_m says:

    Finished shoveling a few walks and steps on my block and we wandered around to homes of some elderly neighbors to shovel their walks and check on them. Shoveled out two cars (doing mine and the path to it tomorrow) and wandered around Quaker Hill taking pictures. From 5th and West it looked like there was a snowball fight going on down on Market St. Fun! Lots of city equipment out plowing snow, so wandering around picture taking tomorrow ought to be even better.

  13. Joanne Christian says:

    cass–don’t let those elderly folks out of their house!! Tell ’em cabin fever is better than a broken hip:) Put the snow back…HURRY:)!!!

  14. cassandra_m says:

    We told them to stay in the house and one really wants to go to church tomorrow. We shoveled walks, which you are supposed to clear in the city, but we did NOT shovel out their cars and probably won’t for awhile. And told them that we do not have cars shoveled out to take them to church. It is hard to resist someone trying to go to church, tho.

  15. Delaware Dem says:

    I think God will understand. After all, He sent this Blizzard. πŸ˜‰

  16. Suzanne says:

    Gov. Jack Markell lifted the ban on driving as of 8 p.m., but Wilmington will keep it’s own restrictions in place until 8 a.m. Monday.

  17. anon says:

    Smyrna & Capital announced closings on Monday.

  18. cassandra_m says:

    I do think that God will understand. But I think that my neighbors may miss the company on Sunday. Which is why we’ll try to stop by again on Sunday to chat and bring goodies.

    And if you are in Wilmington — just stay home! There is no reason for you to be driving around and it really is pretty damn awesome for these streets to be free of cars for just a hot minute.

  19. Joanne Christian says:

    Why not “hymn” caroling to them? Our church has already announced it’s closed–well really it’s open–but no services. God will be busy enough watching after the fools tomorrow, and then preparing for the Super Bowl shenanagins!

  20. cassandra_m says:

    We think that most of the churches are closed around here too — but you have no idea how hard it is to make that case when you live in a neighborhood that is full of old churches. Some we know are closed and are not running their shuttle service and we’ve been telling our old folks that. But that is why we’ll drop by with goodies and chat for abit in the AM to make sure they sit still — or that they take a walk around the block surrounded by watchful eyes.

  21. Suzanne says:

    So when will you come help me shovel Cassandra? It’s only a 300 foot driveway with over 2 feet of big deal..luckily it’s paved and not gravel like next door!

  22. cassandra_m says:


    You are not elderly, Suzanne! Besides, I haven’t even shoveled out my own car yet. And since I park behind my house off of the alleyway (not plowed by the city) it really may be months before I can get out!

  23. Suzanne says:

    My dearly beleoved does get a senior discount at times and she had a knee replacement…still doesn’t count?….sheesh..what’s a girl gotta do?

  24. Suzanne says:

    Hmm…beleoved ..that was supposed to read beloved..oh well……i am too tired to type – time for bed. Wish me luck and that I will wake up with the power still on! Tomorrow the shoveling shall begin and it’ll be at least 5 to 6 hours..probably more.
    That will make up for all the junkfood today since I couldn’t cook LOL

  25. pandora says:

    OMG! Are they really predicting another storm on Wednesday?

  26. Lizard says:

    RFK, Jr. 15 months ago: Global warming means no snow or cold in DC
    Washington Examiner ^ | February 7, 2010 | David Freddoso

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who flies around on private planes so as to tell larger numbers of people how they must live their lives in order to save the planet, wrote a column last year on the lack of winter weather in Washington, D.C.

    “In Virginia, the weather also has changed dramatically. Recently arrived residents in the northern suburbs, accustomed to today’s anemic winters, might find it astonishing to learn that there were once ski runs on Ballantrae Hill in McLean, with a rope tow and local ski club. Snow is so scarce today that most Virginia children probably don’t own a sled. But neighbors came to our home at Hickory Hill nearly every winter weekend to ride saucers and Flexible Flyers.

  27. a.price says:

    yes, lizard. The weather in this small percentage of the planet is PROOF the rest of the planet is not warming.

    as the globe warms, the ice caps melt….. putting more water into the oceans thus COOLING some parts of the planet. is all of your knowledge from saint sarah now? frightening how dumb the conservatives strive to be

  28. nemski says:

    Brandywine School District has announced that there is no school on Monday.

  29. nemski says:

    Christina and Colonial are closed as well.

  30. Mike Matthews says:

    Just got the call: Red Clay is closed, as well.

  31. just kiddin' says:

    Global warming affects the weather in all kinds of ways. Tornadoes, hurricanes, heavy wind, snow and heat. Should’nt people actually understand the concept of global warming before making stupid comments.

  32. MJ says:

    Cape schools are closed Monday & Tuesday – rest of the week is in question. Route 1 is passable, but getting to it is hazardous, depending on where you live. I had to take the AWD to get to the store to do regular grocery shopping. Quite an exciting trip (driving in ruts left from other vehicles). The Super Giant resembled a Soviet grocery store with empty shelves, although I was only one of 5 customers.

    The beach has basically disappeared. This is leftover damage from the nor’easter a few months ago and the storm surge from yesterday. The city did a great job of plowing, but many of the developments rely on private help, and those guys are booked. So it looks like I might be working from home all week instead of making it to DC on Tuesday.

    Hope everyone else is safe and warm.

  33. Mark H says:

    “rest of the week is in question” Considering that we may get 10 more inches Tuesday/Wednesday that may be the case Statewide. In Dover, I hear that RT13 is barely passable and getting to it from where I live is impossible πŸ™‚ I’m hoping to see a plow in my development tomorrow afternoon, but who knows πŸ™‚

  34. a.price says:

    WHO’S READY FOR HIT NUMBER 2 ON WEDNESDAY???? apparently there is some sort of perfect storm ready to dump 2 feet!.
    So today I spent 4 hours breaking up large slabs of 4″ thick ice that had formed on the road to i could get my car out. took an additional hour, lots of friendly neighbors and more shoveling to get to a plowed road. Id gladly pay more taxes to get the plows on the back streets of 40 acres.

  35. Suzanne says:

    MIlford is closed today and tomorrow already – don’t see how they will even open up on Wednesday.

    I love snow – I really do — but this is a bit much. And now Wednesday too????????

    I thought the Blizzard of 96 was bad when I lived in Maryland, but at least I lived near a major road and near stores then!

  36. anon says:

    Free stuff here.

  37. Mark H says:

    I’d go get it if Luke was included πŸ™‚