Delaware Liberal

Heritage Foundation Is Against Federal Funds For Snow Removal

FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is paid for using U.S. taxpayer money. It exists to give aid to the victims of disasters, which are things that aren’t predictable. In any given year we know there will probably be unforseen events like hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and blizzards but we don’t know where or when. Agencies like FEMA exist to give help when these disasters strike.

The Heritage Foundation, who supported the unfunded Iraq War, thinks the federal deficit is too high to help Delaware with snow removal. We should just suck it up:

Given the federal budget deficits, FEMA can’t afford to cover 75% of the costs of state snow removal either. It is high time for this federalization of routine events to come to a halt and for states to plan and budget for what are known events every year.

Heritage repeats the Republican mantra that wars and defense spending is free but helping the American people costs too much money. When I see Republicans talk about cutting defense spending and paying for war spending then maybe I’ll believe that they aren’t just Budget Peacocks.

h/t Campaign for America’s Future

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