
Filed in National by on February 11, 2010

On Joy Behar’s CNN show, she had a round table to discuss Sarah Palin’s speech at the Tea Party Nation convention. On the panel were Stephanie Miller, Ron Reagan and an unhinged rightwing nutcase Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs). Geller is completely unhinged claiming that Palin didn’t quit her job as governor, she answered the call from the lower 48; that Ronald Reagan would have loved Sarah Palin and when Ron Reagan disagreed said that Ron Reagan had never met his own father.

Partial transcript:

Behar: Ronald, let me ask Ron — why do we pay attention to this woman? She has a point.

Reagan: Well, indeed, and I think we do have to pay attention to her, unfortunately — it’s sad that we have to pay attention to her, because she’s totally unqualified for high office. Yet —

Geller: Your father would love her. Your father would love her.

Miller: First of all, his father didn’t quit halfway through the term.

Geller: Neither did she. Neither did she. She did not quit. The Lower 48 needed her, and she heeded the call. She did not take the easy way out.

Reagan: No, she quit. No, Pam, she quit. When you leave the governorship halfway through your first term, it’s called quitting. She quit.

Geller: She came to lead the next revolution.

Reagan: Quit. Quit.

Behar: Ron, Ron — no, I want to hear from Ron. Why would your father not like this woman?

Reagan: Because she doesn’t have a thought in her head. That’s why.

Geller: That’s what they said about your father.

Reagan: My father knew what he stood for, you can agree with it or disagree with it, he knew how — what he stood for, he could explain what he stood for. He was conversant in domestic and foreign policy — she’s neither! She can’t explain where she stands on anything!

Geller: Your father would love her, and frankly I don’t think you can speak for your father, because you — you don’t even espouse —

Reagan: No, Pam, actually, have you ever met my father, Pam? Pam, did you ever meet my father?

Geller: Did you ever meet the Founding Father. I’ve read everything he said. I’ve read everything he said.

Reagan: Did you ever meet my father? I’m asking you a simple question. You can’t answer that because the answer is no. So why don’t you rely on someone who knew him very well to tell you what he would think of Sarah Palin.

Behar: It’s really hard for you to argue with the offspring of the guy and claim you know more than he does.

Geller: He’s nothing like the father! He doesn’t share the epistemology of the father. He doesn’t have the nature of his father, the knowledge — he has nothing in common with the father. Look —

Behar: He knows what his father would think rather than you.


Reagan: Is Pam still blathering about me and my father? Oh, you are. You still haven’t met him, though, right? You still didn’t know him, so you’re just sort of making things up as you go along, right?

Geller: You never met him either. You know, you never met him either. Do you think you’re making your father proud? Do you really think you’re making your father proud?

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Conservatives are so desperate for a hero, that they’ll ignore the most basic and obvious facts about someone they think fits the leotard & cape. Reagan does a great job trying to talk sense into this moron:

    “Reagan: My father knew what he stood for, you can agree with it or disagree with it, he knew how — what he stood for, he could explain what he stood for. He was conversant in domestic and foreign policy — she’s neither! She can’t explain where she stands on anything!”

    The starving GOP has convinced itself that Palin, a half-full box of cracker jacks, is a four course roast beef dinner.

  2. pandora says:

    Lecturing a son on his father is vile. Republicans feel they own all parts of Reagan. This attack on his son is becoming quite commonplace. I’m half expecting a response from Nancy. But I guess, as merely his wife, she won’t have known him either.

    I was no fan of President Reagan, but I’ll defer to his family when it comes to what he would have thought of today’s political climate (a climate, btw, he helped create).

  3. a.price says:

    kudos to Ron for not kicking Geller in the face right then and there.

  4. Geezer says:

    Difference between conservatives and shit: Shit can be used for fertilizer. Conservatives are useless.

  5. Today’s conservatives make Reagan look like a genius. I expect we’ll start hearing a lot about Reagan because the 100th anniversary of his birth is coming up.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    I think that Ronald Reagan would be utterly embarrassed by today’s conservatives.

    But tell me why Pamela Geller gets face time on CNN, please? This woman is unhinged AND a known liar. It is pitiful that wingnut welfare extends to CNN giving this lunatic real airtime.

  7. Yes, I was wondering why she was on as well cassandra. I wonder if she’s a regular guest.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    The denial of Sarah’s quitting is astounding. She quit. She didn’t run off to start a revolution, she ran off to take wingnut welfare.