Delaware Liberal

VP Biden Tells Cheney He Can’t Rewrite History

(h/t for this to Truth Teller)

Vice President Biden was on Meet the Press this AM, telling David Gregory that Dick Cheney just can rewrite history accommodate his own prevarications on events during the so-called War on Terror:

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But it is interesting to note that one a weekend where there is a major offensive ongoing in Afghanistan against the Taliban, that the changing of the Media War Rules are complete — it is OK to criticize a Commander in Chief in a time of war, and it is the Party of Hypocrites who changed those rules. Again. Interestingly enough, without much of a peep from the so-called liberal media. I’m not a believer in the bullshit excuse of criticism giving comfort to the enemy, but you can sure see the depth of repub belief in the concept once their noise machine tells them to stop talking about it.

Nice job here by the Vice President. Whoever is in charge of messaging for the Democrats these days needs to flood the zone with this pushback.

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