Delaware Liberal

Rally for Health Care Reform

This is an announcement from Darlene Battle — and I hope that lots of you will be able to go to one of these, it’s a worthy cause:

Unions and Community Organizations To Tell Congress: Listen to Us, Not the Insurance Companies

On Thursday February 18th at 4:00pm and on Friday February 19th at 4:00pm, hundreds of supporters will come together at Thursday in Wilmington, Bethel AME church at 604 North Walnut Street and Friday in Newark, Newark Shopping Center on Main Street to send a message to Congress that it’s time to deliver on the change we need by finishing comprehensive health care reform now and finishing it right.

Wednesday February 17th is the kick off leaving from Philadelphia. This event is part of a nationwide push all week demanding Congress act now on health care reform and listen to everyday Americans, not the insurance lobbyists who are spending millions to block health care reform and protect their profits. Advocates will be joined by progressive organizers and supporters around the country to emphasize the pressing need to rein in corporate greed, regulate Wall Street, create more jobs, shore up our economy, address global warming, protect workers’ rights, and finally achieve quality, affordable health care for all Americans.

We are holding a rally at Bethel AME Church to ENCOURAGE and hear from Health Care Reform Supporters. We will hold up signs and cheering them on…
Delaware Residents are joining forces to say they’ve had enough of insurance companies’ denied claims, inflated profits, and soaring premiums. They will tell Congress: No excuses. No more politics. We need good health care we can count on now.

WHO: HCAN, SEIU, UFCW, MoneOn, Community Organizations and others

WHAT: Rally of encouragement to the walkers and telling healthcare stories.

WHERE: Thursday at Bethel AME Church 604 North, Wilmington, and Newark Shopping Center on Main St., Newark.
WHEN: Thursday February 18th,  4:00pm and Friday February 19th,  4:00pm

For more information go to:

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