GOP Recovery Act Hypocrites

Filed in Delaware by on February 18, 2010

You can see Mike Castle with a Special Guest Hypocrite role in his picture accepting a stunt check for an ARRA project in the first few seconds of this video:


Want more a more detailed list of the GOP Hypocrisy? See the Hall of Fame.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. That is great. Castle and his big stunt check also appeared on CNN. I really do think the hypocrite label is starting to stick to Republicans.

  2. JUST KIDDIN says:

    The Hill reporting not one repuke has signed up to sponsor the jobs bill. Anyone thinking they want this country to succeed, should ask themselves why do the republicans hate this country so much! Harry Reid was a damn fool to reduce the jobs bill by millions when he should have known no republican would have signed on if the bill was even $1 million. Why do the lame ass democrats give a damn what the repukes think? Are they so shy of true leadership they would permit the party of no to stop every measure that benefits the people. Two corporate parties, one headed snake.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    This is why:

    That’s because Reid has left the bill’s central job creation provisions intact, while jettisoning tax breaks and other provisions intended to win Republican support.

    The K Street giveaway bill would have cost 85 billion while the one just focused on jobs cost 15. If you want to do a jobs bill do a jobs bill. It is time to stop treating all of these bills like an Open Bar — where you can drink all you want for no money.

    If repubs will only sign up to a jobs bill if it includes giveaways to their lobbyist pals, then they can explain that.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Michael Newbold Castle is literally the poster boy for GOP hypocrisy. That is sweet.

  5. Exactly Cass. Democrats are calling the Republicans’ bluff. The Republicans complained about transparency, pork and backroom deals. And they claim to love tax cuts. This bill is simple, transparent, has no deals and contains tax cuts. Democrats are going to make the Republicans vote against it, as a group. Once Republicans do that, Democrats really have no choice but to pursue elimination/curtailing of the filibuster and passing the bill through reconciliation.

    Republicans should be careful. The hypocrite label is really starting to stick to them (ironically I think it was their votes against PAYGO and the fiscal commission that did it). A vote against the jobs bill will just add fuel to this fir. Up until now, there was absolutely no downside to Republican lockstep against Democratic initiatives. That is starting to change, as long as Democrats keep hammering them on it.

  6. anon says:

    Michael Newbold Castle is literally the poster boy for GOP hypocrisy. That is sweet.

    If Coons isn’t careful he might end up winning this thing.

  7. Jason330 says:

    DelawareLiberal was the first media outlet to publish the smoking gun picture of Castle’s hypocrisy.