Delaware Liberal

Heart Broken

Former Vice President Dick Cheney is being treated at The George Washington University Hospital for chest pains. Now, I am of course loathe to wish ill on my political adversaries (….moving to side a little bit to avoid the lightning strike…), but I do have to say that Dick Cheney is iron clad proof that only the good die young. What is it now, four or five heart attacks? Over the last 30 years? Now, the mystery here is why Cheney isn’t dead?

For at least three of those heart attacks came while the former Vice President was receiving government funded and provided health care. Indeed, if government health care is so horrible and evilly socialist, then Cheney should have been dead decades ago. But of course it was not and is not, and Dick Cheney is alive today because of it. How wonderful for him, and so outrageously horrible for rest of humanity (in fact, is there a doubt in anyone’s mind that if Dick Cheney left this Earth tomorrow to begin shoveling ash for all eternity that the world would instantly become a better place, but I digress….).

Of course, the real mystery here is how they can do all this surgery on an organ he doesn’t have. Why are the Republicans not complaining about this obvious example of government waste?

Seriously though, we wish Dick Cheney a speedy recovery. And of course he will recover. He is our lot in life.

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