Delaware Liberal

Virtual March for Real Health Care Reform

If you are part of, you may already know about this. Today starts a Virtual March to pressure Congress to enact real health care reform. It is a quick and easy process:

  1. Go to the MoveOn March Page
  2. Fill out the info to send Faxes to your Congressional Delegation (this is free and they’ll do it)
  3. Then CALL Ted Kaufmann (202) 224-5042 and Tom Carper (202) 224-2441 to tell them to Pass the HCR Bill. (Balloon Juice has a primer on how to do it here.)

As you do these steps, MoveOn is keeping a count of the number of contacts made by Virtual Marchers today, which is really interesting. Since I sent my Fax and called this AM and now, they’ve added almost 100K new contacts and this is within 45 minutes or so.

So join in and get this done. I’m especially looking for our lurkers to jump in and make the calls and have MoveOn send a Fax for you.  Call or email your friends and family and ask them to do this too.  Tell us what your experience was calling their offices today.

This comes by way of Andrew Sullivan, who admires this work from Jake Lewis, who writes here, and who has other work up on his flickr stream here.

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