Delaware Liberal

Dispatches From the GOP Braintrust

Michael Zak, a blogger at Big Government (one of Andrew Breitbart’s sites) compares ACORN to the KKK:

ACORN does indeed operate like the Mafia, but it more closely resembles another organization that began as an affiliate of the Democratic Party, the Ku Klux Klan. Aside from intimidating some bank executives, ACORN does not engage in violence, but like the KKK it has vote fraud as a top priority.

I totally see the parallel. The KKK would ride at night in hoods to terrify African-Americans, and sometimes to hang them if they got out of line. ACORN registers poor people to vote. That’s totally the same thing.

Like ACORN, the Ku Klux Klan operated with impunity until Republican politicians and journalists sounded an alarm. In 1869, Nathan Bedford Forrest, the KKK’s Grand Dragon, ordered the Klan disbanded. Why? The national organization was getting too much attention, so Klansmen would have to soldier on in state-level organizations, such as the Red Shirts in South Carolina and the Men of Justice in Alabama. Nonetheless, most members of these spin-off groups considered themselves to be Klansmen.

Exactly, the Klan was a domestic terrorist organization. ACORN was brought down by doctored videos and dishonest Congressmen. Republicans are always the victims, aren’t they? I mean, there’s no way that they could actually get less votes than Democrats unless Democrats were cheating, right?

Rush Limbaugh is running out of terrifying things to compare Democrats to judging by his latest example:

On ABC’s This Week last Sunday, host Elizabeth Vargas asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) what she would say to her members “who are in real fear of losing their seats in November” when it comes time for the House to vote on health care reform again. Pelosi replied that “we are not here just to self perpetuate our service in Congress. We’re here to do the job for the American people.” The comment was interpreted as Pelosi saying that lawmakers should sacrifice their jobs for health care reform. On his radio show yesterday, Rush Limbaugh took that a step further, saying that “Mullah Nancy Bin Pelosi” was “no different” than those who “convince all these people to put bombs on their kids.” Listen here:

Exactly, because getting health insurance for millions of Americans who don’t have it is just the same as strapping a bomb to yourself and blowing up innocent people.

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